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Catherine's POV

"I'm sorry, but we're not hiring,didn't you see the sign, NO SERVICES NEEDED!!" The plastic faced woman spat. I rolled my eyes before whispering, but loud enough so she could hear,

"Next time, try looking in the mirror before coming to work, you look like a clown!"

I heard as she released a gasp, and a few people seated in the waiting room laugh at her rather astonished expression.

Exiting the building a sweat glided down my face as I wiped it off with the back of my hands, before taking out the paper where I marked off 'Stomping papers at some shitty building' since I didn't get the job back there.

And just like that my long list of job finding was over, nobody wanted to hire me! Not even a common passerby whose dog I had planned to take walking every day, just for five dollars a week, yes, I did stooped that low, and yet the woman didn't trust me with her mutt, in stead she called me a dirty cunt, I mean I doubted that I smelled bad.

With my head hanging low I walked off on the sidewalk, crying to myself, what did I do to deserve this!!!???

This day couldn't get worse, but guess what, it did!! Just like that, BAM!! I spilled coffee over some guys suit. Oh great Gods, what did it do to deserve this!!

I took up the cup and handed it to the pissed off stranger- and sweet mamma Mary ,he was attractive, his eyes were almond shaped and chocolate brown, his face sharp and showed entitled power, to finish off his very handsome face he was graced with the body of a Greek god, and even though I knew he was angry I couldn't help the sudden feeling of attraction towards him.

"Are you just gonna stand there!!!?" He boomed causing me to jump from my unholy thoughts. I peered up at him before looking down at his soiled jacket, then cringed.

"Are you blind? Don't you have eyes, use them to look where you're going!!" He fumed again, his eyes burning with fury.

"Don't you dare blame this accident on me, because as far as I'm concerned, we are both at fault here!" I replied with a loud base in my voice.

"Excuse me!" He replied his brow going up, "Do you not know who I am, aren't you concern with the level of discomfort I can do in your life,"

"Did you just threaten me, isn't this just fantastic!!!" I yelled, his eyes widen with astonishment, "Listen here you piece of narcissistic fart, I just had the worst day of my life don't make it worst because I guarantee that you'll regret it, I expected so much from you, but you just put those good looks to shame!"

By now, I had realized what he was talking about because everyone was recording not only common passerby but paparazzis.

"Look what you did, you made things worst for yourself!" He gritted his teeth before sneering, "You'll regret that!"

With an extended eyeroll, I dismissed his threat, then grabbed my hand bag which still stimutamously laid on the street then rushed off, camera flashed in my face before I could make it out of the crowd.

Then I realized, I just cursed a man for an incident which clearly was my fault, and there's a 99.9% possibility that my face might pop up on TV, with words 'Psychotic Woman Escapes Assulym'

What is wrong with me!?

Alejandro POV

"Mr Vincento, who was that?"

"Do you know that woman in anyway?!"

"Is she your bed partner?!"

"Is she the woman that you claim that you'll show us?!"

"Is she the lucky woman?"

Questions flied every where as I took the rag my bodyguard had given to me, trying to wipe out coffee stain that laid disgustingly on my suit.

"Yes everybody that beautiful fiesty lady back there was my girlfriend, my bed partner,and will soon become my wife, " I paused, trying to think of something that could make her life change-for the worst, "Plus the mother of my soon born child!" I lied then looked into the camera, hoping that she'll see this, "And I do hope that I can show you guys- even the world- her beautiful face once more thank you!"

More questions seemed to fly my way, but I retreated to my limo, winding the windows up.

Whose this mystery girl, why didn't she recognized me??


Thanks for reading!!!

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