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Catherine's POV

"I told you to go down there and beat his ass, and instead you come back with a freaking job- not like that is a bad thing your lazy rump needs something to do- but, WHAT!" Sam ranged as I covered my ears.

"Yes, and I'm sorry but I only did it to save you your job," I replied, walking further into the apartment.

"Really?" She asked following behind me. "Mhh!" I nod my head taking out the suitcases, dusting them off,

"Where are you going??" She asked as she looked at the suitcases in my hands, "Are you leaving me?"

"No, stupid...." I throw an empty suitcase her way, "..... you're coming with me,"

Her eyes widened like a kid on Christmas, "Really, where are we going?"

I placed my hand on my chin, in deep thinking, "Somewhere in Beverly Hills, I think," I rolled my eyes, "Near Alejandro's house!"

Her lips formed a small 'o', "Don't just stand there, get packing!" I hurried her, she nod her head in realization, before speeding off to her room.

2 hours later.....

"You ready?" I asked, looking over at a excited Sam, she bit her lips then shook her head briskly, "Yeahyeahyeah, like a million times!!" She answered, "Okay!"

1 hour later

"Thank you alot," we got out slamming the door of the cab, "Your welcome, Mrs Vincento!" He replied.

"Ughhh, I hate hearing that name," I mumbled, as the cab drove off, "Well, I could get used to it!" Sam chuckled, I lightly elbowed her in the stomach, before joining her in laughter. Turning around, our eyes met the beautiful, two story house and immediatly I fell in love with it.

"Woah," Sam and I both said in astonishment, "This is...." I stopped, lost of words,"...I don't even know how to describe it!" I finished, as we walk along the path way leading up to the glass door, "Ooooooooo, how do they get the grass so green and comfy looking?" Sam asked as she trotted over to it, I grip her arm, and pulled her back to my side, "Pull your self together," I sneered, "Don't let Alejandro know that he has great taste, 'cause if that narcissistic little brat, even step to me once I swear, I'm gonna..." "Kill him!" Sam rolled her eyes looking at me, "Okay okay, I got it, now can we go in?" I stare at her before shaking my head, "unbelievable," I whispered, then looked up at her again, "okay, we can go in!" I pushed the door open and Sam, she dropped her suitcases and bags before letting go a overdramatic gasp, "Is this heaven?" She asked, as I rolled my eyes, she then turn to me and screamed, "Ohh My God, Cath, if this is what you get, when you argue with that douchebag Alejandro, then I suggest that you do it everyday!!"

"You know I'm right here, right?" A voice peered out, Sam stop jumping up and down like a goon, before turning to face the devil in reincarnation, Alejandro, "You," I gritted my teeth.

"Eggburt, so glad we could see each other again!" He smirked. "You told him your middle name?!" Sam squealed, "Not exactly, since someone decided to do a background search, isn't that right, Alejandro!" I snapped. "Ohh my!!" He placed his hands over his chest dramatically, "What person could do such a thing- ohh wait, me!"

"Let me have him!!" Sam grunted stalking up to him, "Don't you'll just waste your strength!" I grab her back. "You should listen to your best friend, after all, she is going against her will to protect you, something that I'll never do especially for people who are underclass as yourself, anywho, let's get down to business!" He turned on his heel. Sam looked over at me before whipering, "He is a worm in the ass!" "Tell me about it!"

We were in the the living room, looking at an intimidating Alejandro, "so all the paper work are in Sam Wesley's name and that should be it!" He finished up after telling us a bunch of bull crap, we didn't even need to know, but then it hit me, "In Sam's name only, what about me?" I jumped up saying he looked at me with his brown eyes before showing a million dollar smile, "Ohh Eggburt, I forgot to tell you," "Tell me what?" I asked, fearing to hear what he had planned, "You're ditching the girl, and you're moving in, with me!"

"With you!!" Sam and I chorused.

"Why yes!"

"Nononononono, there's no way, that I'm living under the same roof as you when hell freezes over, and that will never happen, so never ever ever!"

"Well listen you little brat!" He flew up, stalking up to me, each step he took, I took one back, "You're moving in whether you like it, or not, so pack your shit, and make sure you're in that limo!!!" By now his face was mere inches away from mine and he looked pissed, I stared into his eyes a little bit frightened with his outburst, he broke the gaze, by moving out of my face then straighten his suit, "Ladies!" With that he left, leaving Sam and I awestruck.

As soon as he left I rolled my eyes saying, " Ohh do you know how much want to smack that jerk in the face!?"

Sam gave a knowing smile "Ohh, I know, but it's not like we're, gonna be far apart, his house is just a few blocks down, we can visit each other, right!?"

I shook my head, "His house is not just a few blocks down, I think it's a mile away," her mouth make the 'o' shape, "But we can still visit each other," I went over to her, and hug the life out of her,

"Okay, okay please, you're killing me!!" She whined

"I love you Sam!"

"Love you too girl, now go before that monster comes back in," I released her then walked over to my luggage at the door then walk out, I entered the limo only to be met with a smirking face, "Eggburt, so nice that you could join us,"

"Whatever, dipshit!"

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