I won't kill you...

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Transformers Prime is owned by Hasbro Studios
Familiar of Zero is owned by Seven Seas Entertainment.

By the way guys I'm making another story. One that is a creation entirely of my own. Except it's based in the Fallout universe.

It's about a 20 year old engineer from his vault of Vault 97 being exiled for a crime he didn't commit, along with his 15 year old sister, who volunteers to go with him, unable to bear the thought that he go into the wastes alone. Not even a day later they're attacked by a Raider gang, who decide they could make a pretty penny if they sold the vault dweller's sister.
Shooting him in the stomach and looting most of his possessions the last thing he sees before he falls unconscious is his sister being dragged away while she tries her hardest to crawl to him, to help him. kicking and screaming the raiders drag her away.

What will happen to the vault dweller you ask?

Well read to find out my friends.

Because war...war never changes


    The door opens and there stands a guard...just standing there "what is it?" Mott asks indignant. The guard says nothing, his face overshadowed by the darkness around him. "I said. What is it!?" the count yells out the guard simply falls down face first, revealing a black figure that was behind him, with purple vein-like glowing markings running across his body, and a glistening glass T-shaped visor obscuring his face. The dreadful appearance brought two separate reactions. Siesta's heartbeat quickened and she felt warm in her chest, while the count looked in a little fear "WHO ARE YOU! SHOW YOURSELF!" he yelled to the figure. Taking a few steps forward it revealed a tall, slim man in dark clothes with a sword on his shoulder. "Soundwave..." siesta whispers in almost disbelief.

"You know this man!?" Count mott asked her. Siesta nods quickly. Looking back to Soundwave who is just standing there...menacingly. "GUARDS!?" he yells only to be greeted with silence. "What the hell?" Soundwave takes the glove from his hand revealing his pale white skin, and chucks it at the count. Meaning only one thing... In his own voice, he says

"I challenge you to a duel, for the freedom of Siesta,"

Siesta was taken aback, for a couple of reasons, one being she had only heard his voice once before. And two is that he had vehemently declared that they fight in a duel...for her? He tracked her down and seemingly infiltrated the Count's estate, presumably fought some guards, all for her? Her heartbeat picked up and she felt her face get hot, when she realized what she wearing. Embarrassed that the man she admires seeing so much of her and she attempted to cover herself up, though she doubted he cared about if she was dressed or not. His indifference to basic things such as decency, religion, and such was concerning but sometimes it was a blessing.

The count looked apon his challenger and rose up from his bed, blanket in hand covering his unmentionables. Trying to seem intimidating while standing on the bed looking down defiantly at his challenger. Attempting and failing to seem intimidating as he felt a chill run down his spine looking at his naked reflection in Soundwave's visor.

Soundwave looked over to Siesta and see her face grow a shade of red reminiscent of Knockout's paint job. Trying her best to cover herself more to stifle her embarrassment and to reclaim some decency. Pulling his hood down and pressing the purple gem on the top of his Sternum where his Clavicles meet, loosening the Sweatshirt-like garment of which he took off and tossed it to Siesta. Underneath he wore a skin-tight black long sleeve shirt with more of the purple veins pulsing through it, tight around even his neck. The purple four-pointed Decepticon insignia glowing faintly on his chest.

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