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Transformers Prime is owned by Hasbro Studios
Familiar of Zero is owned by Seven Seas Entertainment.

"Please...k-kill me..." Count Mott begged of Soundwave who releasing his head from his boot and kicked him over to his back from his shoulders so that Mott can see Soundwave's 'face'. Pointing up to the steps, while staring down at him deep into his eyes, into his soul. "I won't kill you...they will, " he says in one of the scariest voices anyone had ever heard. But they then realized. 'They will?' looking to where he was pointing they saw a terrible and sad sight.

    4 young women. A brunette, a maroon-haired girl, and a Blond girl holding another, deathly emaciated, blond girl who looked like she was knocking on death's door, though she did seem conscious by some miracle. They were covered in sheets, but it was easy to see that they were covered head to toe in bruises and cuts, their wrists and ankles worn and bloody from chains. Many of the guards recognized them as some of the older maids that the count had hired, and then suddenly vanished without a trace within a week or so.

The count visibly paled at the quartet of girls. They looked at the state of the room and saw that their torturer was on the ground deformed from the damage he'd received, and having heard his plea for death, they felt furious that he'd beg for a mercy he would never afford them. But...their savior gave them the the privilege of ending their tormentor themselves, and they felt somewhat appreciative of that. Seeing the count pale and be filled with fear, just added to their gratitude.

Soundwave turned his point into a 'come here' motion with his middle and index finger. And they hesitated for a moment unsure of what they should do, he was right there. Even if he was lying on the ground. As a display of power and protection, soundwave placed his foot on the count's cheek pushing it into the wet floor digging his heel into his temple. The guards were too stunned to even complain, wince, whatever. They weren't stupid they could put two and two together, and most were already resigned to kill the bastard themselves, but only continued to watch.

    The first to attempt to move was the emaciated blond, wanting to move closer only to stumble, her younger sister and the maroon-haired girl assisting her down the steps. Finally getting a good look at her legs many could see dried blood that had crusted from between her legs. Too much to be from menstruation, so one of the most logical and horrific options was...miscarriage.

    The poor survivor troopered her way over to her savior and her captor, with the help of her fellow survivors. When they got close their rescuer pulled his sword from the scabbard on his back. "So we're doing this huh? Alright, partner..." the sword said solemnly as soundwave spun the blade so that the hilt was pointed to the girls for them to take it. And one by one they took the hilt all 4 of them having the strength to heave the sword over. "It's ok ladies. Take your time, my partner will make sure he's poised and won't attack you." the derf said to them in a pseudo comforting tone.

    The count swung his arms in some fight that he'd manage to muster up, yelling in defiance and possibly madness "NO!! NO, I WILL NOT LET SOME PEASANT GIRLS KILL ME! NOO!" his yelling frightened the girls as they moved away from his arms to safety. Tendrils shot from Soundwave's chest grabbing his arms by the wrist and shot them down to the floor again as he applied more pressure to the filth of a man's skull, effectively shutting him up. "See what'd I tell ya?" Derf said in some amusement. The girls moved back over and stood over the count, with tears in their eyes as this was the moment they had been praying for. All holding the hilt of the blade they rose it up with all their strength and plunged it down into their demon's chest.

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