Comforts and celebration. Part 1

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Transformers Prime Belongs to Hasbro Studios
Familiar of Zero belongs to Seven Seas Entertainment

If my calculations are correct, since I did a total recount here we are!

HAREM: 6 votes (surprisingly.)

SiestaWave Siesta X Soundwave 3 votes

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SiestaWave Siesta X Soundwave 3 votes

SoundTab Tabitha X Soundwave 14 votes

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SoundTab Tabitha X Soundwave 14 votes

K-Wave Kirche X Soundwave 8 votes (she's catching up guys lmao)Anyway sorry for not updating in

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K-Wave Kirche X Soundwave 8 votes (she's catching up guys lmao)
Anyway sorry for not updating in... What's it been? More than a month? Damn.

Left ya hanging didn't I?

Sorry about that. Schools out now had to go through finals and with work and taking my girlfriend out... I haven't really had time to write. Nor much motivation. But I'll do what I can and I hope you like it.


Tabitha wasn't the type of person to express emotions. She saw them as a weakness, a distraction.

Her past is riddled with regrets and... unfortunate circumstances. She moved to Tristain to pursue her Magic power and escape those who would wish her harm. Mostly by fading into the background, being herself. Head buried in a book, exuding a deafening aura of silence and elegance. Such an aura no one wanted to disturb, and she was perfectly content with keeping it undisturbed.

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