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[Hrozun 21, 0100 A.R]
[Glacial Falls]

Current in-game time 6:11 PM

In a small crevice hidden from the blizzard, Muzui's group took shelter in what small haven they can find, after all, they had wounded people to tend to. Out here in this desolate wonderland of ever-lasting permafrost, getting attacked by a monster or two is the least of your worries, the true threat was, in itself, the cold.

Sure they might have the gear to fight the sheer cold, but staying warm isn't everything as the storm blocks vision, and the snow has a slowing effect that causes people to lose stamina five times faster. Muzui noticed this detail the first time they set foot on the island, he could notice in his breaths that it's becoming harder to maintain steady stamina.

As a samurai, he, of all people, knows how to control their breathing through techniques which is probably why Zhiang sent him on this mission. It was a smart call on the Monkey's part but Muzui wonders how long he'll last as he hadn't an infinite breath.

"Looks like the storms getting stronger," a disgruntled looking man, Burke Dill, comments beside Muzui as he takes a drink from his flask. The young man remains silent and sighs as he leans on his blade's hilt, flashing a disinterested towards the cave's entrance. "Looks like we're going to be stuck here for a few. It might be hours or days depending on the weather from the looks of it."

Since they were stuck in place, Muzui and Burke were both tasked with watching out on the entrance in case a search party comes, meanwhile, the rest of their team receive first-aid. Because of a small misstep, a couple of their members fell into a frozen lake buried under thick snow, they had to amputate a hand and a leg thanks to frostbite.

Essentially, it was Muzui and Burke who kept their ship afloat. "How are the others doing?" Muzui began, inquiring about the others.

Taking another chug from his flask, the man tiredly sighed, "Resting, I stopped the bleeding for now." With their other members injured, simple first aid wasn't going to cut it as they needed a healer, and to make matters worst their support was also injured and passed out.

Muzui fell silent trying to weigh their odds of survival while breathing deeply, arms crossed and eyes closed. As of now, they had nowhere to go thanks to the storm, they had injured people with them and also no healers. For now, they can only wait out the storm and hope for the best they make it back.

Waiting wasn't exactly Muzui's strongest suit as he gets bored easily, so in the spirit of not wanting to get bored, he struck a conversation with the silent man, "So, you're a doctor?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I used to be until your kind came, thanks to whatever witchcraft or forbidden knowledge bullshit you lot have, I became jobless," there wasn't a hint of hesitation on Burke's expression as he shot a look of disdain at the young man. Maybe that wasn't the best way to start a conversation Muzui thought, but on the bright side, the man doesn't seem reluctant to talk to him.

"Tough luck huh?" He played it off with a scoff. Luckily Burke didn't seem offended and just sighed.

"What happens, happens, nothing I could do about it." The man then turns to the Muzui, "I hear you close buds with the Monkey," Burke showed a look of genuine interest as he presses on Muzui.

"We're just acquaintances at this point," Muzui says bluntly.

"From what I see it seems like he has you wrapped around his fingers," Burke said causing Muzui to turn and shoot a weird look. The man noticed his gaze and in turn, he turned his gaze to the fire, "Do you trust Zhiang?" Said Burke in a serious tone.

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