"Breaking Point Part 1."

26 4 1

[Hrozun 24, 0100 A.R]
[Glacial Falls]

Current in-game time 10:53 AM

With his pendant at hand, Zhiang placed the trinket in front of him, comparing it with the designs carved at the top of the door frame. His heart thumped soon after, it matched! He finally found it! He celebrated internally with an excited grin forming on his face. After all these years of searching, he had failed two times but none of that matters now.

Peeking at the corner, standing quietly right next to Zhiang was Rashia, the Dragoncrown provided the Monkey a conscious stare. She was able to deduce what her companion was thinking so she let a small smile form, cheering him on. A solid five minutes or so passed them by as they stood amidst the harsh cold, only ever staring at the large door with awe.

"We should get going, the others are already finished on their side, we can explore this later," Rashia informed their leader about the situation, but Zhiang remained silent as he stared at the door. Seeing how fixated her companion was at the ruins, she went ahead to give the order to go back to base, but before she could, Zhiang interrupts her.

In a surprising turn of events, Zhiang prevented Rashia from issuing any orders, instead, he told her this. "No, don't tell them to go back. I feel a blizzard is coming, tell them to go here instead, we're going to take shelter here for now." He relays to the woman, taking Rashia by surprise.

"But if we head back now we might make it before the blizzard hits," trying to argue, Rashia was not going to stay here as they might get snowed in. Besides that, the others back at the base might come and look for them if they take too long as part of the protocols. "We can't stay here for too long, we can't take that risk." But the Monkey was not fazed, remaining silent as he stared at her.

"If we don't go back now, not only would that put the others in danger, but it will also cause others to doubt your leadership!" Before Rashia realized it, she had already raised her voice at the Monkey. She paused as she tried to maintain a composed head. Furrowing her brows, she retained a steady gaze as she locked eyes with Zhiang. "You should know the risks and what it can do to the others. Think about them, they're just following orders." She finished with a scowl.

Looking back at her with a pair of golden irises, Zhiang did not budge one bit, only saying to her; "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." Telling her that he wasn't merely doing this out of a gut feeling or something petty as that. He then adds, "The blizzard is approaching faster than anticipated, we might not even make it halfway before we get lost. Trust me."

The both of them fell into a silent tension as they stared at one another. From an outside perspective, the two of them remained even with their stares, a big mistake as out of the two of them, Rashia was the one clenching her grip as she held tight on her shoulders. Trying not to let the uneasiness show through her face.

On the contrary, Zhiang kept a still expression, determined as he looked back at Rashia. Their staring contest continued for a moment longer until Rashia, although reluctant, turned and said to one of the members present; "Tell the others to come and meet us here, we'll settle down here for now and wait until the blizzard is over." After that, the member rushed down to the others to inform them of the order.

Zhiang referred to the Dragoncrown with a smile, "Thanks." He thanked her, in return he received a glare from her before she turned her head and walked away. She was definitely not happy about this, but Zhiang can't back down now, not when he finally found what he was looking for. Looking at the trinket at his hand, he gripped the amulet tightly, then without warning, he stared into the entrance and began to walk inside.

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