"Tears And Promises."

28 4 6

[Hrozun 9, 0100 A.R]
[Atherion Deiiji Port]

Current in-game time 1:12 PM

Muzui was at the pier currently dropping off another stack of cargo down the unloading area. These past few days were filled with nothing but him lifting crates all day long that it was starting to bore him. And also his back was feeling weird.

As he wiped off the sweat from his brows, he noticed the usually peaceful port, currently suffering from naval traffic as all of the docks were occupied. Just a few days ago these docks were not as busy causing Muzui to wonder what the fuss is about.

At another dock a few rows from where he was, Muzui could make out people hauling in a bunch of weapons ranging from Halberds, Battle Axes, and enormous Broadswords, but none of these compared to what came next. If you had a bow and magnified it till it was twice as big as your body, then add wheels to it, you'll have a Ballista.

Five men tugged on the ropes to move the massive thing while right behind it was a rack of metal rods approximately 3 meters in length and 5 inches in diameter. Looking at it made Muzui think as he called out to the man beside him, "Quick question, what's with all the weapons? Are they going to war or something?" The last part was a rhetorical question, a joke he threw in.

"Rumor has it that when Cesro fell, the kingdoms over at Throndrheim were making a move," the man puts down the crate he was holding and dusts his hands, "The royals back in their floating castles are making preparations for incase a war breaks, you worried?"

"Just curious," he simply says. As a Marked One, it didn't matter to Muzui if a war happened since they were not bound to anyone or country, they were free to do whatever.

The man gives him a look from head to toe then slouches at a crate, "Don't you worry, Deiiji port is a neutral zone making it impossible to attack, plus this place is under the protection of the alliance." Reassures the man who completely misread Muzui.

"I see, thanks for the information," Muzui already knew about that detail which is why he wasn't worried to begin with.

"Oi you two! Get back to work!" They were yelled at as Muzui quickly went back to work.

Meanwhile, at the ocean's boundary, a fleet of ships was looking to dock causing more traffic and eventually creating a rush hour as people hastened. It was unusual for Deiiji port to be this busy and thanks to the surge of new ships docking, an onslaught of hungry sailors filled each of the taverns both small and large.

It was a hectic mess in the 'Maiden's Pearl' tavern. People came in faster than the staff could serve as customers ordered at a fast pace. Yuna paid attention to five tables at once, sliding orders at her left while taking orders at her right, with her arms full she balanced a stack of dishes above her head as she wiggled her way to the tables.

"Here are your calamari, lemon mead, roasted lamb legs, and coocul bird egg soup," once she placed it all, she asks them if it was all before going to another table to serve, "Hello, welcome to the Maiden's Pearl, could I get your order?" She asks the customer.

It continued with Yuna taking and serving orders, pushing her multitasking to the limit.

"Could we get some drinks here!?" A voice from a table called out to her as Yuna jogged in the direction with a pitcher at hand.

"Could we get another serving of this?" Another asked and she did as ordered. While Yuna was busy handling it all, she eventually was called to a certain table.

"Where's our damn food!?" Slamming their palm on the table in frustration, the man looked at Yuna while gnashing their teeth.

"I'm sorry sir but your order is still being cooked," she apologized meekly.

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