"Pest Control."

92 8 37

[Skyfreix 17, 0100 A.R]

[Throndrheim, Town Of Mare]

Current in-game time 2:13 PM

Even with both eyes closed, he could still feel the sensation of biodegradable waste being crushed under his feet. He would've preferred it if they just went with the farming quest as it was way simpler and less dirty than their current job. Tamaki tugged at the rope to signal Sylvia above so that she knows he has landed already.

While waiting for his partner to get down and join him, the young boy thought back at what their client had told them prior. The Headmaid of the said manor filled them in about the whole infestation they were experiencing across the whole mansion thanks to a couple of rats, they were told that at random instances furniture would often get gnawed on by the vermins, food would be stolen from the storages regardless of where they placed it. What worries Tamaki, however, was the fact that they required the assistance of adventurers to complete the task, a bit of an overkill considering that it was for a mere couple of rats.

"Watch out down below!" Coming back to his senses, the young lad scrambled to catch Sylvia who safely landed into his arms after warning him. Thanks to the Mage's weight the young lad almost fell over and dropped the Elken unto the ground, luckily he was able to balance himself before they both fell down. He let out a sigh of relief as the female hopped from his arms and stood in front of him, she gave him a thumbs-up, "Good boy." He received a head pat in return as they began walking into the tunnels.

Thankfully Sylvia was able to use her magic to shed some light on their path, though the two of them regretted it at first because it allowed them to see the horrifying sludge infested walls and floor even if they expected to see this much dirt. It was no surprise to see rats crawling around here since this is a perfect environment for them to be able to thrive, given the humidity and moist atmosphere under here.

"Ok Tamaki, remember to keep your eyes peeled for anything that looks like a rat," haphazardly waving her wand in front of them while Sylvia gave him a warning, he nodded as they proceeded. She didn't have to say it as Tamaki already knew what to do but given how she usually is, Tamaki let her slide for now and kept quiet.

Tamaki remembered the time Yuna and he spent their time taking care of a farm, now that he's mentioned it, it hasn't been that long ever since they did that quest. Compared to what they were doing right now, a couple of rats seemed to be a walk in the park for him, it's just rats, what's the worst that could happen? Thought Tamaki as they went around the bend. The boy chuckled lightly as he imagined the rats being compared to a bear. A sudden image showed itself to the boy as he recalled the time when Yuna threw herself to block the bear from harming him, he felt guilty for not being able to react fast enough, they could have avoided that from happening.

Back in the camp after their encounter with Muzui, he saw the scars all over his partner's body, both old and new. Tamaki inhaled and exhaled to calm himself, 'Why the long face? We won didn't we?' a part of him wanted to scream and yell at Yuna back then, he wanted to scold her for being reckless and he wanted to apologize for allowing this to happen to her but that was all his own little secret. As of now, he had a job to finish which included killing rats.

A while after walking for a couple of minutes, Sylvia halted and raised her arm in front of Tamaki to stop him. He saw her being seriously quiet right now, it was a sign that something was up.

"Draw your staff, I've got a bad feeling about," whispered the Mage as she extinguished the ball of light at the tip of her wand, allowing them both to plunge in pitch darkness as not to scare away the rat in front of them. With his staff in his hands, the young lad's eyes were able to get a glimpse of blue streaks of light running along Sylvia's arm and through her wand's length before hearing what can be called a gunshot. Without warning a pained squeal briefly echoed inside the tunnel they were in then it was gone, just like that.

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