Joel x Harry Potter

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Yeah, Yeah I haven't been here for a while, but here is an Angst fic. Last of us 2 btw.


It was supposed to be a normal day. 

It was Supposed to be a patrol day.

Ellie was supposed to go on a normal patrol, check the perimeters. 

Joel was supposed to go with Tommy and patrol on the other side of the base.

He was supposed to come back safe. 

His heart wasn't supposed to scream in agony or cry out in despair. 

He was supposed to be held in warm safe arms. He was supposed to be in a family, Joel, Tommy, and Ellie.

They were supposed to be together.


He ran. 

Ran out of this godamn town, out of this ridiculous fantasy. He ran as far as he could, all the way to the cold secluded cabin.

The present that Joel gave him after their 'Wedding'. 

Walking through the snow, it crunching beneath his feet,  he opened the wooden door.
It creaked as it opened and he stared inside. He could see the dust particles through the air, and as he walked the floorboard creaked in old age.  
He could spot the dust of the photographs as he walked through the hallway. 

It was cold, colder than usual. 

The Cabin was a private house.
To get away from bad memories.
Now the place was filled with old good ones.

He walked into the kitchen and turned on the stove. He grabbed the kettle and he spotted it, he looked through the reflective metal, and he looked at his red puffy eyes. His usual bright emerald eyes were dim in the low lighting of the house. 
He ignored his reflection and continued on, filling it with hot water before placing it on the stove.  

He then walked away from the kitchen and made his way into the cozy sitting room. It had a fireplace, and on top of multiple old records- collections of the olden world, something that  Joel enjoyed finding when scavenging. The shelf space had a thin layer of dust, it covering some of the other collection of clutter. 
The wall was filled with photos, the frames were found when they stopped by an Art and crafts store on one of the patrols.

A loud sigh was the only noise that filled the house as the grieving man sat down on the leather couch. The checkered blanket was next to him along with a picture. 

He silently looked at the picture before grabbing it. 

It was Him and Joel. 

The day of their 'Wedding'. 

He was wrapped up in strong arms, as the bearded man kissed his cheek. He was wearing white while, the other was in black. 

Tears slowly gathered up in emerald eyes. They slowly started dripping, sliding down his pale cheek. His quiet sobs slowly got louder. 

His body shakes as he cried, as he curled around the warm blanket, the picture frame in hand. 

The shriek of the kettle pierced the house as a mourning man cried.   

Harry opened the door just as Tommy was about to knock. The shorter male stared straight into the other's brown eyes.

"I'm In"


So yeah I hope ya'll liked it. And if anyone could make any Last of us Slash fics then I will marry you on the spot. 

Sorry I've been gone I just lost a lot of willpower to write and all that, but I really hope you guys like this. I have like 50 chapters that I have drafted but could never finish cause either I don't like what I have or it's too long. But yeah BYE! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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