Hiro (Darling in the Franxx) x Harry Potter

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Pretty much Harry is gonna be 02's brother and his name is 03. He look like 02 but with black hair  and blue horns. I higo was Hiro's original partner and so they both failed. And also in the scene Zero two takes Hiro into the FRANXX for the first time it's gonna be Ichigo. Side pairing: Ichigo x Zero two. All right let's uh go!

"Zero two, there's an ocean over there," Zero three commented, putting the blue lollipop back into his mouth. Zero two looked over, and saw a glass dome with a lake in it. She grinned with the red lollipop in her mouth.

"Zero three, would you like to go for a swim?" She asked holding out her arm. Zero three grinned and grabbed her arm before responding with: "Why yes my dear twin,".
They looked at the corporals in front of them and noticed that the soldiers were not paying attention. With the swiftness and sneaky-ness of a fox they made there way to the room.

Letting the scanner scan them they walked in and took a deep breath. "Ah, smells like fake nature," Zero three said sarcastically. Zero two snorted before walking over and stripping off her clothes. Zero three did the same, used to seeing each other naked cause they liked to take maths together. (No it's not sexual ya nasties)

Grinning they took the lollipop sticks out of there moths and grabbed each other's hands. Jumping in the water, they played and splashed each other before just floating on there backs.

"Zero three, I'm gonna get something for us to dry ourselves," Zero two said getting out of the water. Zero three nodded before dipping his head in the water, to re-moisten his long raven hair.
After a few minutes of floating he went under the water again. Spotting a fish, he chased it, giving a feline like grin and caught it in his mouth, shooting up and out of the water.

Standing he looked at the boy in front of him. They had short choppy hair and pretty blue eyes. The boy was slightly taller than him by an inch. Standing there for a few more seconds he spat out the fish and walked over to the other boy.
He looked up at him closely and sniffed him.

"Y-your naked! I'm so sorry!" The boy stuttered as he looked at the feminine male in front of him. "Waa~ And I thought you were dead," he said semi-sadly walking behind him to his clothes.
"Are you a parasite?" The boy asked at the naked figure. "What are you doing bathing out here?" The boy stared determined to get some answers.

"It's weird, I thought ocean water was supposed to be salty," Zero three said licking his arm. "Uh, this isn't an ocean," the blue eyed boy said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
Zero three stopped licking his arm and gave a slanted look at the boy. "Yeah, I'm aware of that," Zero three then put his hand on his chin in a thinking position. "But this puddle is the closest thing to an ocean around these parts, so here we are." Zero three said putting his hand down.

He looked at the boy who was still knee deep in the water. "Well aren't you going to swim?" He asked. "Me? I'm good," he replied back awkwardly. "Really? But it feels so nice," Zero three put his hands on his waist, looking down at the boy. "And the way you were staring I thought to wanted to take a dip too,".

"I wasn't staring!" The boy argued, "I was worried that you were drowning out there ok? I jumped in to save you and-" the boy cut himself off as he looked down and gasped before looking away at the moon pale body in front of him. "W-would you mind, y'know putting some clothes on," He said staring pretty determined to look at the floor. Zero three placed his hand on his chin in a thinking position against and look up, as if he was actually thinking.

He then smiled and lightly pounded on his hand with his fist. "I get it! Your some kind of pervert!" He exclaimed pointing. The boy looked at him oddly, "What why?" He asked. Zero three pointed at the pair of Zero three's underwear in his hands. The boy flushed and bumbled around before trying to hand over the peace of underwear.

Harry Potter Shuffle (UNDER EDITING CAUSE I NEED GRAMMER)Where stories live. Discover now