Prince Naveen x Harry Potter

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Hello, before we start I would like to say that there are some mentions of cutting, depression, Feminization to a male character, and some rude language, and If you don't like that you can skip! Now onto the Story.

"Good morning Tiana!" Harry called out as he checked in into the restaurant. Taking off his coat and hat and putting onto the rack he put his raven hair up into a ponytail.

"Hey, Harry!" Tiana called as he gave a plate beignets to a customer. "So hows my future head chef doin'?" she asked refilling person coffee. "Ha! I'm not that talented." Harry said as he shook his head fondly, and put the apron on his waist. "What are you talkin' about! Your the best cook I have ever met!" She exclaimed. " Yeah, and the most androgynous." He said pulling a strand of hair away from his face. Tiana rolled her eyes, "So what!". Rolling his eyes and twirling around with a plate of flap-jacks in his hand giving to a table, he looked at Tiana, " Oh Tia, look at my small and petite body, people think I'm a doll. And you think other chefs would take command from me? Yeah, it's as a fat chance of a dumb Dora gain any brain". And it's true, Harry gets mistaken for a girl all the time. He has big round emerald green eyes, and full pink pouty lips, and long eyelashes. He has moon pale skin and a heart face with blush lightly dusted on his cheeks. He stands the height 5'3 and has a lean and petite figure.

Harry grabbed his note-pad as he flipped it open he sees the diner door open. Mr. La Bouff comes out in his big proud form. "Hello, Mr. La Bouff," Tiana and Harry both said walking over. Harry grabbed a plate of beignets. "Here you go.".

"Thank you, Harry my boy!" He exclaimed taking a bite. "Congratulations on winning the Mardi Gra's Parade," Tiana commented pouring him a cup of coffee. "Caught me by surprise! For the fifth time in a row." He said before bursting out laughing. The Diner bell wrang and Lottie came runnin' in with and excitement of a busy bee.

"Harry! Tiana! Did you Here the news!" She said, bouncing up and down on her pink flats. "Tell them Big Daddy! Tell them,". Mr. La Bouff cleared his throat before saying: "Prince Naveen-" he started before getting caught off by Lottie," Prince Naveen of Maldonia, is comin' to New Orleans!" She exclaimed before hugging the newspaper to her chest and screaming in excitement. "Oh, ain't it the bee's knees! Oh! Tell them what you did Big Daddy! Tell them!" She yelled shaking her father.
"Well, I invited-", "He invited the Prince to the Masquerade ball tonight!" she said cutting him off again, while Harry put the empty platter of food back on the counter, and Tiana refilling Mr. La Bouff's coffee. "Oo! Tell them what else you did Big Daddy. Go on" She said with a dreamy look in her eyes. Mr. La Bouff breathed in, "And he's staying-", he again started as Lottie was about to interrupt but he shoved a beignet in her mouth. "And he's stayin' at our house as our personal guest," He finished, puffing up his chest in pride.

"Oh, Lottie that swell!" Harry said bringing another plate of beignets over. Tiana nodded in agreement. "A quick word of advice, my Mama always said the quickest way to a man's heart is through there stomach." She said when Harry placed the plate of desserts on the table. Lottie's eyes lit up and snatched the Beighne that was about to be eaten by her father with an exclamation of "That's it!".
"You two are geniuses! I'm a need about five hundred of you're man catching beignet's, for my ball tonight!", She ran over to her father and snatched his wallet, taking out two stacks of cash, and placing it in both people's hands. Harry and Tiana looked at each other in the eyes smiling.
"Thank you Lottie!" they both said at the same time. "I'm gettin' my restaurant!", "And a head chef with it too!" Harry exclaimed winking at Tiana who smiled wider.

------------------------------------------ The Masquerade Ball----------------------------------

Both Harry and Tiana were at the food table serving people beignet's to people. Sadly the costume store only sold dresses so Harry was fitted into one, making him more like a girl than usual. The dress was tight-fitting showing off his figure much to his displeasure. His hair was put down because Lottie said it suited him better. She curled his hair and added makeup on him.

Harry Potter Shuffle (UNDER EDITING CAUSE I NEED GRAMMER)Where stories live. Discover now