Kristoff x Harry Potter

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Anna looked around wondering oaks awkwardly when she heard the door-bell ring. Turning around she saw to people come in. A 6' ft tall man walked in with snow-covered from head to toe. The second was shorter, around 5'5, two inches taller than her. The shorter one took off his hat and mask to reveal a man with what looked like soft pale skin and dark long raven hair. The shortest male walked over to the end of the store grabbing a pick-ax and rope. The other walked toward Anna.

"Carrots." He said sounding muffled through his mask. 

"What?" Anna questioned, feeling intimidated. "Carrots behind you." He said pointing behind Anna. "Harry got it?"

"Yeah," the other male know named Harry said walking over with the equipment. He put the two items on the counter. 

"That will be Forty," the Oaken said. "Forty? No, ten", "Oh boy," Harry said rolling his eyes. "Kristoff don't start know," Harry said to Kristoff who looked at him gobsmacked. "Oh dear, that's not good. See these are from our winter stock, where supply and demand have a big problem." Oaken said sweetly. "Wanna talk about supply and demand problem? We sell ice for a living" Kristoff pointed to the sled which had a mountain of ice blocks. 

"Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now. I mean that is-" Anna stopped and cleared her throat as she saw the looks the two males gave him, "That's unfortunate.". 

"Still forty. But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo! Hi Family." The trio looked over at the fog covered door and saw a family waving. 

"Hoo Hoo!" They responded waving back. 

"Ten is all we got right now," Kristoff said while Harry massaged his temple muttering about stupid ice business. The Oaken separated the Carrots from the supplies and said: " Ten will get you this. No more,". Kristoff seethed while Harry turns around to Anna who was just waiting awkwardly.  

"I am so sorry about the wait." He said with a sympathetic look. "Oh! It's ok I was just well- What do you know about the North Mt.? Did it seem, I don't know magical?" She asked eagerly. Harry was about to respond when Kristoff responded. "Yeah! now you two back up while I deal with this crook here." Kristoff said when the Oaken stood up revealing his 7' ft stature. "What did you just call me?" He said with a hurt-looked face. 

The Oaken grabbed the scruff of Kristoff's neck before throwing him out of the store. Harry ran out but not before calling out "Sorry!" and running to Kristoff.

---------------------------------------------- Kristoff x Harry Potter--------------------------------------------------

    "Reindeers are better than people

Sven, don't you think that's true?" Kristoff sang looking at Harry -Who glared- before looking at Sven scared of his angry Boyfriend.

"Yeah, people will beat you

And curse you and cheat you

Every one of them's bad except you two." He said voicing Sven. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Oh, thanks buddy

But people smell better than raindeers

Sven, don't you think that I'm right?

That's once again true, for all except you" Harry snorted at that knowing that his lover always smells bad.

"You got me, let's call it a night

Good night

Don't let the frostbite bite."  He finished.  

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