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The sky was gray yet again, and the chill of the wind was slowly creeping up your skin. Nervously, you glanced at the clouds, hoping for the absence of the dark vapour to be somewhere in sight. For miles and miles, you saw gloom, and with a sigh, you knew your walk home would be disturbed by a storm. You tugged at your backpack, cursing for not having brought an umbrella like your mother had asked you to.

Curse your stubborn mind.

There was a clap of thunder, and you squealed in surprise. Your eyes darted around, searching for some sort of shelter. At the edge of the sidewalk was a tree, its branches long enough to provide you some sort of shelter. You weighed your options; your mind vaguely recalled your third-grade science teacher telling you about the dangers of trees and lightning.

You decided against it. Better soaked than fried.

As if on cue, the rain started to pour, slowly transforming from a soft pitter-patter to a wild splash. The raindrops drummed on your skin, the cold seeping into your bones. Your teeth chattered. Your body shivered. Your hands begged for warmth.

A sudden shadow encased your body, and startled, you looked up to see the vague shape of a turquoise polka-dot umbrella. Confusion flooded your system-you only knew one person with an umbrella as stupid as this. Sighing, you turned to face the tall brunet, ignoring the chill and letting your arms drop to your side. "Yes, Oikawa?"

"I knew you'd be stubborn and not bring an umbrella." He chuckled, and swiftly threw his volleyball jacket over your shoulders, ruffling your hair. "You're completely soaked, {y/n}."

"It's not my fault I refuse to believe in the accuracy of the weather channel," you mumbled, tugging on his jacket further.

Oikawa glanced up at the sky, frowning slightly. "The rain's not stopping any time soon. I'll walk you home," he decided, and you scowled.

"You don't have to," you argued through gritted teeth. "I don't need my afternoon to be ruined by you."

Something flashed behind his eyes, something you couldn't predict, but Oikawa smiled anyway, shoving his hands down his pockets. "At least let me walk you halfway, then."

"Fine," you gave in, and allowed him to shelter you with the roof of his weird umbrella. Before long, you had arrived at the street that led to your house, and realized that Oikawa had walked you more than halfway home. You stopped, shrugging off his jacket, and handing it back to him. "I can walk safely from here. Thanks."

Oikawa just stared at you, took the jacket, and draped it over your shoulders yet again. Taking one of your hands, he wrapped your fingers around the hilt of his umbrella, ducking because your arm was too short to cover his full height. He stepped out of the shelter and into the pouring rain. "Don't get soaked again, {y/n}-chan." He smiled, spun on his heel, and began walking back to his house.

You watched him for a while before making your way to your own house, opening the door and discarding the umbrella aside.

Oikawa paused and watched you until you disappeared from sight, and smiled softly to himself. Chuckling, he began his walk home in the pouring rain, feeling the cold seep into his bones.

But it was okay.

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