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The serenity of the classroom pulled you into bliss as you delved into the pages, lost in a world of dragons, magic, and flying brooms. Your heartbeat was a steady thump, your breath hitching every once in a while as the words on the page got just too good. Nothing could ever pull you back into reality.

Except if that thing was called Oikawa Tooru.

“{y/n}-chan!” you heard his voice call, proclaiming his arrival to the class. Immediately, the sequence that followed after flowed right on schedule; awaiting girls quickly surrounded him, their deranged giggles overflowing the room.

You frowned, trying to grasp hold of the words in your book. Did they really have to be that noisy?

“Oikawa-kun, I made you these cookies! I hope you like them!”

“Oikawa-kun, I wrote you a poem! Would you like to hear it?”

“Oikawa-kun! I saw you play yesterday. You were very good!”

He laughed, smiling brightly down at them. “Thank you, girls. You’re all very kind!”

Cue the swooning. Cue your gagging.

Seeing your obvious annoyance, he apologised to the girls quickly, strolling leisurely over to your desk. As swiftly as he came, he grabbed hold of your book, raising it high into the air as he studied it, frowning in confusion. “Eh, what’s this?” 

You gritted your teeth. “Oikawa! Give it back!”

He merely grinned down. “Now where would be the fun in that?”

“I swear, Oikawa, if you don’t hand it over this instant, I will show you what can be done to a pretty face!” You raised your science textbook threateningly, eyes glaring holes into the boy’s soul.

He paid no mind. He simply grinned on. “You think my face is pretty?”

“I—I do not! I never said such a thing!” you protested, trying to keep your cool.

Unbeknownst to you, a light hue had started spreading across your cheeks. Naturally, this only stimulated Oikawa’s drive to push you over the edge. “I’m sure you said something along those lines back in elementary school, {y/n}-chan!”

“Bakawa!” you hissed, glaring at him indefinitely. “That was the girl who looked like me—Saburia or something.”

“You don’t have to cover it up, {y/n}-chan,” he gleefully announced, raising the book even higher. “I know you love me a whole lot!”

You snorted. “Please. I’ll only love you in your fantasies.”
There was a pause. Then—

“That’s mean, {y/n}-chan!” he wailed, pouting at you. You merely rolled your eyes. Behind him, you could just make out the forms of jealous girls, staring at you with envy.

Your study on Oikawa's fangirls was interrupted by the pleased grin on Oikawa’s lips. You raised an eyebrow, asking him to voice his delirious thoughts.

“At least,” he began, eyes shining with life, “I like to think my dreams are my reality!”

“Oikawa!” you yelled at him, huffing in annoyance only when he finally left the room.

You sat back down, crossing your arms across your chest. Glancing at the desk, you realised something was missing from its surface—

“Dammit, Oikawa!”

The said boy just chuckled as your voice echoed through the halls, balancing the book in hand. He was careful to leave the bookmark in its place, careful not to drop your precious book. He paused in front of his locker, shoving past the love letters and boxes of chocolate, adding the book to his collection of Things Stolen from His Beloved {y/n}.

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