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You waited by the bus that was supposed to take the volleyball team to their practice match, tapping your foot impatiently. Iwaizumi had gone off to search for the stupid, big-headed setter, who had undoubtedly gone missing in the few minutes between walking from the gym and arriving at the bus, which was parked in front of the school. Your blood boiled in anger. You couldn't wait to punch the living daylights out of him.

Sure enough, Oikawa's annoyingly tall figure approached the blue vehicle, Iwaizumi's slightly shorter stature in tow. The latter's face was laced with annoyance, and, judging from the way his hand twitched, he was tempted to smack the back of Oikawa's hand, while the former simply smiled dazedly at you, as though he hadn't done anything wrong.

"Hello, {y/n}-chan!" he greeted, waving as he adjusted his sports bag on his right shoulder. "How was school?"

"Get in the bus, Assikawa," you hissed, before storming in yourself. From the window, you saw Oikawa's puzzled look, followed by an expression of pain as Iwaizumi slammed his hand against the back of his head, and then the features of amusement dancing on his brow. He climbed into the seat next to you, and slung his arm around your shoulders. You huffed and looked away.

The coach quickly gave a small speech, reviewing the game plan with them. You drowned out his voice, not really caring about what he was saying since you couldn't really understand anyway. Oikawa, on the other hand, had grown a serious demeanour, and stared at the coach hungrily as more strategies spouted from his mouth. After the small speech, Oikawa returned to his silly self, and turned his attention to you, who, on the other hand, was diverting your focus.

"{y/n}-chan!" he called, cuing the moment everyone else should slip on their headphones and drown out his voice. Iwaizumi simply grunted and slouched in his seat, closing his eyes as he lulled himself to sleep. "Cheer me on, okay?"

"You have enough cheerleaders," you muttered, plugging in an earphone as well. You didn't really want to deal with him right now.

He pouted. "But I want to hear a cheer from you! Specifically you."

"Why?" You sighed, allowing one ear to suffer the torments of his voice.

"Because you're {y/n}-chan," he stupidly explained. "And because your cheer matters the most to me."

You blushed at his words, glad you were facing away from him. You silently hoped the window didn't cast your reflection. "Fine," you reluctantly agreed, pressing your lips together. "Anymore requests, Bakawa?"

"If we win," he began, and dread filled your bones, "can you give me a reward?"

"No way, Oikawa!" you rejected, turning to look at him with a frown. "You were late to the bus!"

"But {nickname}-chan!"


"Not even a small reward?" He shot you the puppy dog eyes.

You felt yourself surrendering. "Fine. What do you have in mind?"

He simply hummed. "I'll think of something."

Needless to say, you didn't trust him.


You watched as Oikawa scored the final point with a feint, smiling as the entire team roared with pride, grinning at another victorious outcome. Grabbing a bottle, you approached Oikawa, tossing him a towel and handing him the water. "Congrats, hot-shot," you teased, leaning against the pole that held the net. "I knew you'd win."

"That's because you were cheering me on," he shot right back, a grin dancing on his lips. All around him were the various shouts of girls, mostly from the opposing team's school, which you found quite ironic. Surprisingly, though, he was ignoring all of it. His attention was fixed on you. "{y/n}-chan, you still owe me a reward."

You paled. "Do I really have to? Isn't my cheer enough?"

He chuckled. "Your cheer helped us win. Now, I need something to congratulate me on our win."

"But I just did!" you protested, pouting like a kid.

"A gesture, {y/n}," he clarified, and he looked down at you as though he was waiting for you to catch on.

"What? Do you want me to bow down to you? Like hell that's gonna happen, Assikawa-Mmph!"

Your eyes widen as you felt moist lips against your own, strong arms holding you by the waist as a large body pressed against your own. Wide eyes stared at Oikawa's face, which was adorned with closed eyes and a passionate blush. Thoughts mushed together in your head as you felt your eyes droop without warning, and the world went black, the only feeling that kept you in reality being Oikawa's lips and its movement against your own.

He pulled away, a grin plastered on his face. "I think I like that reward," he mused, ruffling your hair.

You blinked, trying to process what had just happened. The whole gym was silent. Suddenly, everything clicked into place. "BAKAWA! YOU CAN'T GO AROUND KISSING GIRLS YOU STUPID, GOOD FOR NOTHING-"

"But that was my reward!"


"Oh, so you want to do it again?"


"Mizoguchi-coach! {y/n}-chan's harassing me!"


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