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Another weekend had flown by since the kiss, and you found yourself dwelling more and more on the lingering feeling upon your lips. All Saturday, you had been swooning over the fact that you just had your first kiss, replaying the scene again and again in your head just to feel your heart thud at the thought, and all Sunday, you've been beating yourself up for even remembering such a disgraceful event, scolding yourself for the actions you impulsively responded with after his gesture. Luckily, you had an eternity until you had to see him again, which made you appreciate Fate and its blessing, because somehow, the day after the kiss, you had fallen ill.

You shifted in your bed, distracting your thoughts with contemplations on the amount of homework you'd have, even though you had only been absent for a day. It didn't work, though, because soon you were wondering who would deliver your homework to you, and you wondered if Oikawa would have the decency to drop by and wish you to get better.

Your cheeks burned, and you groaned. Great. I'm becoming one of those swoony, idiotic fangirls of his.

Suddenly, you froze at your thought. If you were becoming one of those obsessed girls from school, then that could only mean one thing-and crap, were you not ready for it.

The next day, your mother declared that you were well enough to go back to school, forcing you out the door with barely enough time to grab the homework Iwaizumi (and thankfully not Oikawa) had dropped off the previous day. Stuffing them in your bag, you began your morning trek to school, trying to lose yourself in your thoughts are you pondered the science you had read last night for class. Your thoughts were interrupted, however, by a very familiar voice-one that you had been hoping to escape since yesterday's epiphany.

"{y/n}-chan!" the voice called, and you quickened your pace, hoping to get away.

But Oikawa was an athlete, and you were no match for his speed. "{y/n}-chan, why didn't you wait for me?" Oikawa asked, pouting slightly.

You felt your cheek heat up. "Ah, I just remembered I forgot my English homework," you lied, and began racing back home. "I'll see you at school!" Before Oikawa could protest, your feet had already carried your body away, leaving him standing alone, confused.

Lunch time was no different. In an attempt to repay for not walking you to school, Oikawa bounced into your classroom, a cheery grin on his face. He immediately spotted you with your nose in a book, and, approaching you quietly, surprised you with a hug. "{y/n}-chan! Let's have lunch together, okay?"

You froze, realising who it was. Pushing him off, you scrambled away from your desk, book forgotten. "A-Ah, I just remembered I have to meet with Irihata-kantoku on arranging another practice match! I'll see you later, Oikawa!"

He frowned as you left him yet again, confused. His fingers casually reached for you book, before exiting the classroom, leaving your classmates bewildered as to what had just happened.

Practice wasn't the same. You were avoiding him like the plague, talking to everyone but him, as though he carried some sort of disease. A pang of guilt rang in his chest; maybe you were avoiding him because he had gotten you sick. Dropping the ball he was about to serve, he approached your timid figure, grabbing your wrist before you had a chance to bolt.

"{y/n}..." His voice trailed off. His heart fell when he saw you flinch slightly at his voice. "I'm sorry for getting you sick."

He watched you force a hesitant smile, watched you tilt your head, which he had learned was a sign of confusion. "It's okay, Oikawa-kun." Oikawa-kun? "I really don't mind. Now if you excuse me, I, um, have to..."

"{l/n}-senpai! Help me take the balls out, please?" Yahaba called out.

You smiled apologetically. "I'll see you later."

Oikawa watch you help the second-year, frowning in confusion. He felt Iwaizumi join him in his confusion, standing to his right. "I don't get it, Iwa-chan." He sighed, taking the volleyball from his best friend's hand. "It seems like she's avoiding me or something."

"I think," Iwaizumi began, studying your actions, "she just finally realised something."

Oikawa looked at him in confusion, not understanding his words. Iwaizumi just sighed at Oikawa's oblivion, and smacked the back of his head. "Start practicing before Mizoguchi-coach scolds the both of us."

Iwaizumi retreated to join the others practice their spiking, while Oikawa merely sighed, before joining to help with tossing the ball. You watched as you closed the closet doors, sighing slightly as you leaned against them. You were going to have to get used to these feelings. But, if you had to be honest, you really didn't mind liking the setter all too much.

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