Chapter 22 Combined Panic

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Author's note:

tried to combine a few different requests into one... tell me how I did.

TW: Panic attack!!! The tics in this chapter are a lot more intense than in other chapters!!!

Bakugou's POV:

After the party I was stressed as fuck, mostly because of the things that shit head from class B said.

I know I shouldn't let it get to me, because I'm clearly better than him... but... I couldn't find anything in what he said to be wrong.

He was right... tourettes could make hero work nearly impossible. And my adutude tends to scare people away. Eventually... Kirishima is probably going to realize what a massive dick head I am.

I was sitting on Kirishima's bed, as he and Kaminari sat on the floor playing video games.

They were to distracted with their game to realize that my tics were getting worse... and a lot more intense.

It started with just my head jerking to the side. Then my fist started hitting my head... not hard... but like lightly tapping my temple. Or at least, that's how it started.

The hits got harder, and more intense as time went on. Eventually I couldn't stop my legs from kicking forward.

All of the hitting, kicking, and jerking, put together, drew the attention of my fellow classmates.

The second they turned to see what was going on, worry grew on their faces. Especially since my tics continued to get harder, and more intense.

My head was hurting from all of the hitting, and I was getting out of breath from all the kicking.

They immediately shot up, to see if I was alright.

"Hey, you good?!"

Kaminari asked. All but having a panic attack.

"I-Im FUCK!!! F-fine."

I tried to get out, the best I could.

Kirishima took to trying to keep me from hitting myself, rather than talking.

I appreciated that a lot more than I could get across at the moment.

Kirishima, also clearly panicked, turned to Kaminari.

"Kaminari, I need you to go get Mr Aizawa!"

Kaminari nodded immediately, and ran to get Mr Aizawa.

A few minutes went by and Mr Aizawa, followed closely behind by Kaminari, rushed into the room.

Mr Aizawa immediately canceled my quirk, like he did last time. Because I had trouble controlling it during tic attacks.

Kaminari was hyperventilating at this point.

Mr Aizawa looked torn as to what he was supposed to deal with.


He said quickly.

"Go get Present Mic!"

Kirishima looked confused, but did as he was told.

Mr Aizawa struggled to help both of us at the same time. Time seemed to tick by, slower than ever.

Eventually the human parakeet entered, being lead by Kirishima.

Aizawa immediately started explaining the situation.

By the looks of it, human parakeet seemed to already know about my tourettes. Which pissed me the fuck off.

Why would Mr Aizawa tell that blabber mouth off all people?! Of course... it was currently convenient that he seemed to already understand the situation... But that didn't stop me from being pissed!!!

They ended up going back and forth in between my tic attack, and Kaminari's panic attack.

Present Mic, sat on the bed, in attempt to calm me down.

He ran his fingers through my hair, and held my hand to keep me from hitting myself.

After a few minutes, he and Mr Aizawa switched. The human parakeet comforting Denki, and Mr Aizawa comforting me.

Kirishima just stood there awkwardly, not really able to do anything.

"Kirishima, could you grab two water bottles from the kitchen please?"

Present Mic asked calmly.

Kirishima happily obliged.

After we were both calmed down and were well hydrated, Present Mic had Kaminari sit on the bed.

"Alright, I need to know what triggered this."

Mr Aizawa said. His serious tone, never braking.

Present Mic gave Kirishima a comforting side hug, rubbing his hand up and down his arm.

Probably because Kirishima immediately tensed up when the question was asked.

When I didn't speak up, Mr Aizawa turned to Kirishima. Question still floating in the air.

Kirishima once again tensed up.

Present Mic continuing to provide silent comfort.

Kirishima eventually spoke up.

"I'm pretty sure it had something to do with what Monama said earlier..."

Kirishima spoke quietly.

"What did he say?"

The question was laced with annoyance, as Mr Aizawa was clearly not surprised.

"Well... I'm not sure exactly... I wasn't there. But I do know that whatever it was... Katsuki was really bothered by it...

Author's note:

Cliffhanger!!! HAHAHA!!!
Mostly because I'm lazy and need to just get a chapter out.

Any way... who, what, why, where is finding out next?!

After you know... I continue this bit.

Any way...
I'm gonna go cry for absolutely no fucking reason.

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