Ch. 20 Two Monsters

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"Those fucking assholes need to mind their own damn business," Dabi swore, sweat pouring from his face as the door swung open and he stomped into the room.

You looked up from your phone at the sound of his voice. You'd been at the League hideout all night waiting on him to get back, and for hours it had just been you and Shigaraki, not exactly the best company for passing the time. You weren't even sure why you were there other than that Dabi had dragged you along with him.

Thankfully Shigaraki had spent the hours on a video game so you'd stayed out of sight and quiet, curled up on the couch mindlessly scrolling on your phone and hoping to avoid his attention. 

You had enough to occupy your brain at the moment anyway. As if life couldn't get weirder, you'd gone from telling yourself how much you hated heroes to practically making out with two of them. But between the two kisses, there was one you thought about more, one that made you blush when you remembered the rough way his hands had squeezed you, the greedy way his mouth had felt on yours... You would have loved to be in your own bed asleep, dreaming of this. 

But no, you were at the League's hideout avoiding one monster while you waited for the other monster to return. 

Dabi took off his jacket and threw it on the floor in anger. "Damn it, I was so close, I had all of them right there."

"I take it the mission failed," Shigaraki mumbled, not even looking up from his game.

"No, it didn't fail, I burned all of them, every last fucking one of them, but I had planned on torturing at least a few first and I didn't get to do that because of those stupid heroes."

"Sucks to be you," was all Shigaraki said.

Dabi stormed around, cursing and hitting things in the room.Meanwhile you shrank back into the couch, not wanting to be on the receiving end of Dabi's rage. But your movement only drew his attention, and Dabi's glare settled on you.

"You. This is your fault."

"Uh, what?"

He stalked over and yanked your phone out of your hands before you could stop him. "Did you tell your friends what I was doing tonight? What did you tell them?"

"Hey!" you shouted at him and tried to get it back, but he shoved you off him and started to scroll through your texts. "I didn't tell anyone anything!"

"Shut up." He read through a few more and then held the phone facing you, a text from Shoto on the screen, him asking about getting dinner together. "It wasn't enough for me to mark you as mine? What part of that didn't you understand?"

"I'm not yours!"

Dabi threw the phone down. "You're definitely not his."

"Keep it down," Shigaraki muttered. "I can't concentrate."

"Let me see it," Dabi growled at you. With both hands Dabi pushed you, your back hitting the wall with a thud. "Trying to hide my mark?" he asked as he ripped your shirt down to expose your shoulder.

When you didn't answer, he ripped the bandage off and smiled at the sight of the burn, your skin still red and angry around the edges.

"Don't want your hero friends to see it, is that it?"

"I mean, sort of?"

Dabi's hands pressed you back against the wall, his mouth going to the burn. You shivered when his tongue began to trace the outline of the flame, and Dabi must have interpreted your squirming as trying to get away because the hand on your shoulder suddenly got very hot.

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