Ch. 52 Meet the Parents

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A/n: Hey, everybody! A lot of this book has been pretty dark, so here's a little bit of spice and a little bit of fluff :) Enjoy! 

The door was barely even open before Bakugo reached for you, pulling you into his apartment and pressing you against his bare chest. You started to talk but he held you there, his arms around you tightly, smothering your face into him.

"Don't say anything," he said, his voice raspy from being asleep. "Just... let me hold you."

"I can't breathe," you mumbled after a few seconds.

Reluctantly he relaxed his arms but still didn't let you go.

"I woke you up, didn't I?"

"I don't care. I'll get you a key for next time."

Next time. You could feel your heart start to swell with those words.

"I want to tell you about the plan," you said. "I know Hawks said that he was going to use the drug and –"



"No," Bakugo said, closing the door and immediately scooping you up, carrying you toward his room. "No plans, no discussions. Later."

"I can't stay long," you murmured, even as you relaxed in his arms. "I got out of work early and need to go home before Shoto gets suspicious. He's probably waiting up for me."

"Fuck him. Don't even say his name here."

That was an easy order to follow.

It felt nice to just be held, and you let yourself nuzzle against him as he made his way through the apartment in the dark. Together you crawled under his blankets, the bed still warm where he'd been sleeping.

The lights were off in his room and there was only the low hum of the fan cooling the air slightly.

You could get used to this.

"You're trouble, you know," he said, leaning down and kissing the space between your shoulder and neck, working his way up your neck until he found your lips, each touch sending a tingle up your spine. "Big trouble. Nothing but trouble."

You hardly heard him over the beating of your heart. Your hands found his and interlocked your fingers together as he kept kissing you.

"Good trouble?" you asked between kisses.

"The best."

"You're trouble, too," you whispered.


"I was done with heroes. I thought they were all egotistical –"

"I am," he interrupted.

"arrogant –"

"I am."

" - self-centered brats."

"I'm not that."

"No, you're not," you agreed. "Maybe a little bratty though. I mean, you didn't even ask if you could kiss me just now."

"Oh? Is that what you want? Because if you think I'm always going to ask for your permission, then you're –"

Before he even finished the sentence, your lips were against his, hard, your hands tangled in his hair.

That was all the permission he needed.

He let go of your hand and it went around you, slipping under your waistband, grabbing your ass and pulling you closer to him. You shimmied out of your pants and let your body grind on him just a little, feeling his erection against you.

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