Ch. 31 The Interrogation

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"Are you going to watch me eat?" you mumbled as you chewed your toast. Bakugo sat across from you at your tiny table, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Don't talk with your mouthful."

"Is that a challenge?" You tried to force yourself to smile and hoped it was believable enough. "Come on, at least have some coffee or something."

"I'm waiting for you to tell me what happened," Bakugo said.

"Rough night at work," you shrugged.

"No shit. What the hell kind of work is this?"

"Why? Are you thinking about rehiring me?"

"Y/n. I'm not joking around. You could hardly walk last night"

"I could always go work for Todoroki, I'm sure he'd hire me. What was your other friend's name? The one with the green hair? Now I bet he would-"

His fist slammed on the table, hard enough to slosh your coffee.

"Damn it, y/n. Enough. Quit acting like you're okay."

As if the alternative was somehow better.

You dropped the smile. "Why are you even here, Bakugo?"

"I'm starting to wonder that myself. Do you come home like that every night?"


"So last night was unusual?"

"I didn't realize this was an interrogation."

Your phone rang back in your bedroom. It was odd hearing it, since your phone hadn't even so much as beeped since yesterday.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, officer," you said, going to answer your phone, grateful for the interruption.

Or at least you were grateful until you saw the name of the person calling. Why now? Hadn't last night been enough? When you saw Dabi's name, you swallowed, your own spit sticking in your throat.

For just a second, you thought about not answering it, but you already knew that doing so would only make more trouble for yourself.

"What?" you asked as soon as you answered the call.

"Just checking on you, baby girl," Dabi's voice purred through the phone. "Was I too rough last night? Or just rough enough? Better question might be, can you walk today?"

"I don't have time for this right now."

"Y/n?" Bakugo called out from the other room.

"Oh? You have company?"

"No. Bye."

"Don't hang up on me. Which one is it? The blonde one or the rich one?"

"Not your business."

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you'd turn to your hero friends for comfort. But don't forget for a second that they hate us. They'd hate you, too, if they knew. Villain lives are expendable to them, baby girl. You don't even deserve to live in their eyes."

"That's not true. Is there anything else?"

"Yes. Boss man thinks you might be ready to level up and meet the rest of the crew. Your show must have impressed him last night."

"Great. Bye."

The call ended, and it was only then that you realized how tight every muscle in your body had been the whole time. Now that you weren't talking to Dabi, you could finally relax, at least a little, both emotionally and physically.

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