Ch. 54 Almost a Hero

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Everything about this stupid engagement party made your skin crawl.

As the band played, you held up the fabric of your long red dress so that it didn't drag on the floor, making your way through the sea of party-goers.

People said hello to you as you walked by, people you had never met, didn't want to meet, hoped to never meet.

Shoto was nowhere to be seen.

But here you were, in a room full of heroes who were trying to kiss Shoto's ass. Or was he trying to kiss their asses? You weren't sure and didn't care; they were all asses anyway.

With no sign of Shoto, you started to head toward the dressing rooms to get everything ready, but you stopped when you saw a loud group standing at one of the high-top tables, your face breaking out in a smile. 

You made a bee-line for them, feeling a sense of relief as you approached the table occupied by Bakugo and his friends.

They were engrossed in conversation, or at least two of them were, with Bakugo staring out into the room, his lips pressed tight together, his hand tapping repeatedly on the table.

What did his friends think of all of this? Everything about tonight had been kept a secret from almost everyone, and you knew that was the right move; the fewer people who knew that Dabi was coming, the better. But it wouldn't hurt, you decided, to indulge in using your quirk for just a second, just a quick little glimpse, to see what his friends thought of this dumb party.

Focusing first on Kirishima, you concentrated on his face and tried to reach for his thoughts. The wall that had been up the last time was gone, and now his mind was easy, open, trusting. Goofy? You weren't shocked that Kirishima wasn't thinking about anything out of the ordinary, either. The suit was uncomfortable. Were all of the drinks free? This whole night is weird.

Hell yeah it's weird, you agreed. No surprise there.

You tried Kaminari next. Other than Bakugo telling you to avoid him, you didn't know him very well at all, so you weren't sure what to expect.

As soon as you waded into his thoughts, you wanted out.

It was a jumbled mess, a chaotic soup of information and questions and ideas and holy shit, did the thought-vomit ever end? It was the music – no, the hot server – no, the feeling of the glass in his hand – no, one sock felt weird, no - .... and on and on.

Being in his mind made you feel like you had been tossed about like a pinball, hit back and forth against Kaminari's skull repeatedly. Yikes. You shook out your shoulders to try to get rid of the feeling; that would be the last time you ever wanted to do that, you decided.

Midoriya was last. Again, not knowing him very well, you weren't sure what you'd find, but you didn't get very far into his mind before you felt deeply uncomfortable.

It wasn't any particular thought that was making you feel that way, it was his overall mood, almost like he could sense that something was wrong. There was a level of anxiety in his thoughts that made you instantly pull back.

What was that all about? Had someone told him about the plan?

You spoke up when you got close. "Is this table accepting girls or is this purely a guy thing?"

Bakugo immediately shoved Kaminari out of the way to make room for you.

"Hey, y/n," Kirishima said. "Um... like... congrats?" He grimaced, knowing how awkward all of this was.

"You look really pretty tonight," Midoriya added and Kaminari nodded in agreement. It seemed like he was going to say more but a glare from Bakugo put a stop to that.

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