If Only

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That's cutee

Third Person-

Colson came in worried and ready to kill. Cooper and Sab were unsure about what was going to go down. and Jaden, had some very serious explaining to do.

Cooper's POV-

When it came to Megan and Colson's kids, no one would hear the end of it. They loved them to death, and would take bullets for them, or even shoot some. literally.

Sabrina's POV-

jaden needed to think this through and be careful. one fuck up, and he's dead.

Megan's POV-

We walked up to them. "what the fuck happened?! what did you do to my child?!" I exclaimed.

"don't leave a single detail" Landon added.

"Uhm, well, she helped me write, because I stayed back for a while, but I had to leave, after I left I realized I left my phone, so I went back, she hid something, but I didn't know what it was–" Jaden rambled, but i cut him off.

"Where are you going with this?!" I questioned.

"She was hiding pills. and i was going to take her home. but in the car she was oddly quiet so I looked at my rear-view mirror to see that she was unconscious. I figured she had some before I arrived, so it was a possible drug overdose..but trust me i didn't do anything to her, nor would i ever try." he admitted.

Jaden's POV-

Their faces were blank, the only emotions detected were questioning, sadness and slight angst. They were the hardest people to read.

There we were, in the hallway of the hospital, doing nothing, in complete silence. A nurse with a clipboard passed us. "Hey, Nessa Barrett?" Colson asked.

"Uhm, I think they're running tests on her right now. Who are you to the patient?" she said.

"Family," Landon said, pointing to Megan and Colson. the nurse nodded.

"Go to the front desk, and you'll get some papers to fill out, you'll get to see her soon" the nurse told them.

They nodded and walked to the front desk.

"I don't think they'd let us in right now...we have to go to the waiting room," Sab said, taking Cooper's hand. They walked to the waiting room and I followed behind them.

Landon's POV-

Mom and dad were doing paperwork, I didn't have to do any since I'm seventeen. plus i didn't even know how that shit worked.

I'm kind of scared to hear what was going on with Nessa. She's my sister, we have a weird relationship. we'll chase each other with a knife at one point but donate an organ and blood if we had to. I still loved her even if I rarely showed it.

Mom and dad were still doing paperwork, they were still stunned. I was still stunned.

Possible Overdose?

I didn't want to believe it. she was never known to have struggles. at least we didn't know her like that. and that scared me.

but Who knows? This boy probably doesn't even know what he's saying, we just met him, he just met her. Probably just came up with some story to tell us, to hide the truth. I hope not.

Megan's POV-

All this paperwork just to see my daughter in a horrible condition.

I hate to even think about it. Ness, my only biological daughter, being in the hospital for drug abuse.

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