Unwanted Attention

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i'm so sorry, for bree wasnt taking this seriously. are thou had her own books to update. this si very rushed. 

Third Person-

||Wednesday||January 13th, 2021|| 1:45 a.m.||

Megan and Colson are staying overnight at the hospital. Cooper and Sab left and said they'd be back tomorrow.

Landon's POV-

I had school tomorrow, so I couldn't stay overnight with mom and dad. it upset me, of course, but i had no choice. "Here's the house key" mom said handing it to me. "Uber home, and after school, come back here" she explained.

"Got it!" I exclaimed.

"Bye kiddo" Dad said as I left while mom waved.

Jaden's POV-

Landon, Cooper and Sab left. I had school tomorrow so I needed to leave too. I walked up to Megan and Colson "Hey, I gotta go now. I have school. So... good luck" I said.

Why did I say that? No one says that. I'm an idiot. "Good Luck" what the actual fuck is wrong with me?

"Oh okay, bye" Megan replied.

"Bye" Colson added.

well, they hate me. I left.

What am I going to say to Travis though? "I just rushed Nessa to the emergency room. no biggie" I think not.

I doubt he fell asleep, I don't even think I'll fall asleep without knowing she's okay.

Third Person-

Constant Worry, unwanted thoughts, pressure and guilt, all for a girl he just met.

Landon's POV-

It had paparazzi outside, isn't that great?

I called an UBER to get home and got swarmed.

"Why's Nessa in the hospital!?"

"Who was the boy who brought her here!?" "What's wrong with Nessa?!"

Do they ever take a break?

"Can't answer that" I huffed, slightly pissed off.

"Over Here!" another yelled.

Why won't my UBER hurry the fuck up?

Colson's POV-

We were just getting ready to see Ness, because she just woke up. The doctor had left the room so we could be alone with Nessa.

"Hey" she said faintly as we answered.

"I'll strangle you." megan said making claw hands at nessa.

Nessa and I started chuckling, i was trying to be serious.

"kay, so before you kill me, it started when I was 12, i think when i broke my arm, and it became a problem. i was supposed to take it every 5 hours... but it kind of became something i couldn't explain. i just needed it, constantly. i wanted to tell y'all but, it's kind of pathetic-" she rambled. "The others that were prescribed just tasted like candy, relieving candy" she smirked.

"I feel like I have the right to search your room" Megan stated.

"Enjoy having a panic attack, you'll see A LOT" she opened her eyes. "Anyways, when am I getting out of here?" she sat up, looking at us.

"I have no idea," I replied, sighing.

Nessa's POV-

When I explained the story they weren't mad, surprisingly. Mom and dad didn't know when i was getting out though ."So we're staying the night, Landon should be home, Cooper and Sab are gone and Jaden left" mom explained.

"Oh okay," I faintly said. Jaden had left, i didnt get to thank him. i was a total ass to him.

"He said he'll be back tomorrow, before or after school i assume" dad stated.

"Kk" i replied.

"So you should get some sleep, we'll be here in the morning" mom said.

"Bye mommi, bye daddi" I said in a baby voice as i kissed their foreheads.

"Goodnight" mom said walking outside.

"Night Night, sleep tight kiddo, don't let your sleep paralysis demon in the storage closet drag you to hell" dad said walking out of the room with his hand in his pockets chuckling.



"THAT DOESN'T EVEN RHYME!" I yelled, laughing at him.

||thursday||January 14th, 2021|| 7:15 a.m.||

Jaden's pov

i walked in the building i dreaded for most, already expecting the gasps and murmurs as i stepped in. and of course, i was right.

heads turning, eyes watching, and mouths whispering:

"hey, isn't he that guy that rushed mgk's daughter to the hospital?"

"dude its that guy that was with nessa"

"no way, what did he do?"

i breathed out, walking straight to my locker. they did nothing but stare. it annoyed me, and made me feel uncomfortable. but it's not like it wasn't expected, and i accepted it as a punishment.

maybe i was being too hard on myself, but nessa was in an even worse state, because of my actions. i believed i deserved it.

"like the attention?" cooper said, walking towards me. i chuckled.

"hardly" i replied, shoving books in my locker.

"better get used to it" cooper shrugged, lightly chuckling while he waited for me to walk with him.

I followed him to english whilst hopelessly trying to ignore the attention given.

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