Episode 5 - Shirts and Scars Part 2

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Episode 5 - Shirts and Scars Part 2 

AN - This part was planned early and one of my fave scenes to write so far! I do hope you guys enjoy it and it was worth the wait to see Laurel finally see Lesson #1.  

DISCLAIMER - Wasn't mine yesterday, not mine today either!


"Oliver!" Felicity and Diggle called out as one. 

Roy met Felicity's panicked expression as he helped her scramble to her feet. "Felicity, are you sure you're-" 

Felicity didn't give him time to finish the question. "I'm fine! We need to get to Oliver!" 

Roy nodded and tried the comms again. "Diggle! Oliver! Can you hear us?" He knew it was useless though as now they heard only static.


"Oliver!" Diggle turned the car around as he was still closer to Oliver and with him in Arrow mode they couldn't afford to have outside help. He switched over to his phone and called in the explosion at Laurel's address. He then tried again to reach Oliver but there was still no response. He pushed down his panic at the fact that both of his partners, his entire Team was unresponsive. 

Diggle slid from his car before it had stopped. He saw the building was partially collapsed and already on fire. He again tried the comms as he started to circle the building. Diggle pulled the building plans from his memory and retraced Oliver's most likely steps to exit the building. 

Laurel was struggling to her feet when she processed the fear and words. "Is Ollie okay? What happened?" 

Felicity and Roy ignored her questions as they pushed her out the door and ran past her. She wasn't sure what was going on, but whatever it was clearly involved Ollie so she wasn't going to let them leave her behind. Laurel slid into the back seat just before Roy sped away. 

Diggle was digging through debris when he heard movement on his right. He moved cautiously and called out softly. "Oliver?" 

"I'm here Digg. I must have triggered a trap when I left." Oliver was pushing off debris even as Diggle reached him and helped. 

Diggle quickly scanned Oliver once the he was free of the debris. He ignored the various shallow cuts to focus on the broken metal bar impaling the other man's thigh. Oliver's careful, shallow breathing also revealed the likelihood of broken ribs. He watched for a moment as he could see Oliver was doing his own internal scan. 

"Broken ribs, puncture wound - that's all." Oliver advised even as he started to stand, removing the bar. 

Diggle moved in to help even though he knew the metal bar was preventing Oliver from bleeding. Once it was removed Oliver would need immediate assistance and that was assuming the bar missed his femoral artery. "The office is closest." 

"No, we need to get to Felicity, to them." Oliver denied his partner's comment as he started to move, limping as he did so. 

"The office is between us and them. You can't help her, help them as you are." Diggle refused to be the one to explain to Felicity what had happened if Oliver bled out...and he had to believe Felicity would be around to require an explanation. 

Diggle helped Oliver move toward the car and helped him slide into the back seat. Regardless of Oliver's continued fight, Diggle had no intention of going straight to Laurel's place. He did turn on the police scanner and they both heard the report that the apartment was empty. 

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