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Yibo's POV:
It's been a day when I received the text, As much as I don't want to think about it the more it was pestering me especially when Zhan started acting weird, He would suddenly say he's tired whenever I would try kissing him, but when it comes to the twins he's all giggly.

The kids are both at school right now so I decided to confront Zhan about his behaviors. "Zhan something's wrong am I right?" When Zhan heard it I saw how his eyes suddenly got teary so I panicked, "Tell me what's wrong love, let's solve it together..." It was like my words affected him because he glared at me and stood up to leave, I took a hold of his arm so he failed leaving. "Stop it already!" He said crying.

"Let's stop this play, Lets stop this game, Let's stop pretending." He said without looking at my eyes.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"You know exactly what I mean, I saw the message from your friend." He stated

"What message?" I asked again.

"Yibo the message clearly said, 'You can stop pretending now, You can break up with him. You've done the dare.'" He said teary eyed.

"You saw that?" I said.

"I did. So you can stop now." He was about to leave our home.

"No, wait let me explain!" I called as he was already in front of the door way.

"What excuses do you have now?!" He turn around making me see the tears falling to his face.

"I'm really sorry." I said as he was starting his car then drove away.

When I picked up the twins from school they immediately asked where Zhan was, "We had a fight..." I said "Who was at fault?" Suzhui asked, "It was mine..." I said then started to tell them the story about the dare. "I understand you dada, but you should've told papa especially when his condition was to not play with him..." Suzhui said. "I'll call papa, you two better communicate" Suzhui said.

After a few minutes Zhan arrived home after Suzhui called him. "Can you both fix this problem?" Asked Suzhui. "I'm not siding anyone but both of you should know, both of you did something wrong, dada you didn't tell papa about the dare sooner which was wrong and papa you should've let dada explain instead of walking away." Suzhui added. "You sound like a mom ge" Jingyi whispered to Suzhui "Really Jingyi, come on let's leave dada and papa." Suzhui said pulling Jingyi to his room.

"I'm sorry..." We both said at the same time. "It was my fault, Suzhui was right I should've told you sooner..." I said, "Like you said Suzhui was right which means I was wrong too for not letting you explain." Zhan replied.

Suzhui and Jingyi went back at the living room seeing us hug while crying in each other's arms. "Made up?" Suzhui asked. I nodded. "Good, remember to always communicate it's important in a relationship."

Ayeeee double updateeeee

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