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Yibo's POV:

I'm on my way to pick up the twins from school. i arrived at the gate and saw them, I rolled down the window so they would see me, They did. After picking up the kids the ride was not silent since Jingyi was talking about hiw his day went, He went silent when we arrived at Zhan's work place. I texted him that me and the kids were here to pick him up.

Zhan opened the car door and sat down on the passenger seat. I was about to drive when I heard a notification from my phone. I looked at the I.D and it said unknown so I ignored it. "Who was it?" Ask zhan. "Probably a prank text, the I.D was unknown." I replied, Zhan only nodded at my answer.

It's night time and I couldn't sleep, The text message ran through my head.

"You can stop the dare already, it's been years."

Once a dare [YIZHAN]Where stories live. Discover now