Chapter 7. Back to Rosso

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A couple of days had passed since Frigga fixed whatever that was going on inside of my body and they have accepted me as there honorary guest

I was very conflicted with this, because I was grateful for the avengers saving me but I still did not trust them

I was eating dinner with Thor and his family now and whatever they put in front of me was very delicious

"Steve and Natasha are coming to get you back to earth tonight" Thor said and I nodded at them

"That's good" I said
"Am I still a fugitive?" I asked

"Steve and Natasha got into a lot of trouble for saving you, almost became national threats themselves too" Thor said

"But they managed to get you off that list" he said

"How?" I asked

"Steve will explain once he's here" he said

And after we had finished dinner, Steve and Natasha walked in not long after

They looked nervous so I gave them a nod as some type of sign that I was not going to attack them

"Feeling better?" Steve asked

"Much better, thanks" I said
"I guess I really owe you guys now, huh?" I asked with a smile

"Big time" Natasha said in a less nice way

It was clear that they wanted to head back to earth right away so I cleared my throat before turning to Frigga and her husband

"I want to thank you both for your welcoming attitude and a special thanks to Frigga for helping me with such high priority" I smiled at them with a slight bow

"You'll always be welcome" frigga smiled at me

I thanked her again with a nod and went with Steve and Natasha

"Quite a 180 of how we got to know you" Natasha said after we exited the room

"That's because they did not try to kill me first thing after meeting me" I said

Steve was walking in front of us being the muscular tall being that he is and I must admit that I did not find him unattractive

He looked back at us after our shady comments and caught me staring at him which I didn't mind

"You guys aren't planning to put me in a prison again, are you?" I asked

"Trust me, we learned from last time" Steve said

"Why did you guys decided to save me?" I asked while looking at Natasha and she gestured at Steve making it known that he made the call to save me

"When I saw you in the state that you were in, I could not get myself to kill you" Steve said

I shared a look with Natasha that said 'we would have done it'

I quickly snapped out of that moment to thank Steve and he looked back at me

"Don't make me regret it" he said

As we walked through the streets of Asgard they started talking about how it was expected of me to join the avengers now

"Again you don't have to, but it would benefit you" Natasha said

"When you are part of a group like the avengers you get a lot of pardons" Natasha explained
"You got taken off of the kill list, you complete missions and you're kind of allowed to break the law without breaking the law" she said

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