Part 9. Finding Sansa Rosso

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"-And because of that, location changes all the time" Burris had explained how Stansa Rosso was a huge aircraft, spinning circles around the world which made it hard to find obviously

But as we speak our new friend was hacking into their location system to see where they were now

"Even if we find out where it is, we won't get on very easy" I said

"I can imagine that" Steve said
"So what do you say we do?" He asked

"Instead of flying there and just start fighting" he said

"I think I got a plan" I said

"The day before we had that meeting, Rossi came to me" I said which made them all look at me

"I was planning to run as far as possible from you guys but ran into Rossi, who helped me after I fell and he gave me the order to kill all of you" I said
"Starting with Natasha" I added

"So we can use that to our advantage" I said
"Rossi doesn't know that I'm not loyal to him anymore"

"But Natasha is going to have to play bait" I said and she gave me a look that I didn't know how to read

"Sure let's do it" she said and I could tell Steve and Clint weren't fans of this plan

"Got it" Burris said

"Okay let's go" Natasha said before Steve or Clint could go against the plan


We had Burris send a message confirming the capturing of Natasha to Rossi and I was even invited to the Sansa Rosso

We were now in a plane flying towards the huge aircraft we saw in front of us and Steve was explaining the plan again

"Jack and Natasha go in, meet Rossi in his office" Steve started
"Rossi is satisfied with Jacks mission report and when he doesn't expect it, Natasha attacks"
"You take out Rossi and any guards he might have stationed there" he said

"Stark, you go in and dismantle the motors, they're located at the bottom of the aircraft and their controlling computers as well" he said

"Now again when we land, Rossi is only expecting Jack and Natasha so Jack you have to mind control the guards who are on the gate so we can sneak past them"

We all nodded at him and Steve looked at me

"Don't let us down" he said

Honestly, the fact that he said that made me cringe so hard that I thought of switching sides again

Don't worry my conscience wouldn't let me

We touched down on the landing bay and before our plane doors opened I froze every guard that could see us so Steve Tony and Clint could sneak by them

"Mr Bellincioni" a guard greeted me after I let him out of my grasp

I nodded at him while holding Natasha and she acted as if she was weak

"Come with me" he said

We walked through the long halls of Stansa Rosso and eventually took an elevator al the way up

The doors opened and revealed a big office with Martin Rossi sitting at his desk in the center

"Mr Bellincioni! Miss Romanoff" He said raising his arms

"I'm so excited to see you" he said

"Although I am conflicted, was I not clear enough when I gave you your mission, Mr Bellincioni" he said walking up to us

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