Silly girl likes to play with fire

21 1 8

Nyssa's POV:
I woke up late at night to the soft pitter patter of the rain hitting my window still. I've always loved the rain it reminds me of my childhood when everything seemed so much happier. I get snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my mom come through the door. When I heard what she said I felt everything stop and I couldn't believe her.

My mom drove me to the hospital and I felt like I was going to throw up the anxiety was eating me up. I walked up to the receptionist desk. I felt the knot in my throat forming as I approached the tired looking woman.

" I'm here to see Santana Navarro" I finally got the courage to speak up

"She's in room 133 she was just admitted not that long ago its right down the hall there" she looked sympathetic towards me

I've been to so many hospitals in my life that they usually don't have this affect on me but when you get news about someone that has become a very important part of your life being hurt so unexpectedly it strikes a different type of fear in you.

I see her hooked up to the different machines. SHES almost unidentifiable. I stop for a moment and I am only able to look at her when I finally turn my head I see Lizzie sitting next to her mom. They both looked so shattered. I walk up to Lizzie and Margarita offer them my support. Margarita burst out crying Lizzie tries her best to comfort her. I look at Lizzie noticing that she's being tuff for her mom. We stand there for a minute not talking about the elephant in the room.

"What did the doctors say?" I broke the silence

"Dr. Cullens said that when he was walking out he saw her on the floor yelling for help but due to the blood loss she fell unconscious" Margarita choked out

When she finished her sentence I heard the door creak open. Then I see a tall pale muscular man came in. He must've not been older than 25.

"I've ran some tests and it seems that Santana was bitten by some type of animal. We've been getting multiple patients coming in with the same ailment." He takes a quick pause "the good news though is that Santana will wake up soon although she might have to stay here for a couple days to make sure her bite doesn't become infected and to treat any disassociation that she might experience" he revealed

" oh thank heavens I thought I was gonna lose my baby girl" Margarita cried out she proceeded to grab Dr.Cullens and pull him into a hug appreciating him. I hear her whisper something to Dr.Cullens.

It was around 6:30 am when my mom came to pick me up. I felt awful Leaving Santana's side but I knew Lizzie wasn't gonna go to school and I had to update Veronika and Althea.

I get home wanting to take a shower to bring me some sort of comfort. I knew Santana was gonna be alright but I just couldn't shake off the feeling of knowing that we could've lost her. I feel like I need to do something spontaneous just to feel a rush of serotonin or adrenaline. I mean you really do have one life so why not do stuff that makes you feel alive.

I didn't know when I did it I just realized it when I saw the hair fall onto the marbled floor. Maybe this wasn't the best coping mechanism but it's what is working for me right now. I look at myself in the mirror for what was probably too long. I didn't really particularly like the hair cut it wasn't very even but that's a problem for future Nyssa all I knew is that I was distracted and I felt okay.

When I got to school the girls flooded me with questions surrounding how Santana was doing I tried my best to explain what happened from what I knew.
"So she got attacked by an animal outside of work?" Asked Althea
"Is she gonna be okay ?"questioned Veronika

I explained all that Dr.Cullen told me. I was interrupted by the bell summoning us to class. As I was walking into class I bump into an unfamiliar person. As she walks by I could smell the hints of rose in her hair.
"Watch where your going bald head" spoke the mysterious bitch

"You bumped into me you bitch" I spit

"Well next time watch where your join sweetie"she had a devilish smirk on her undeniably beautiful face

"Next time you better watch yourself you ass monkey" I hissed

"Silly girl playing with fire tell me do you like to get burned?" The blonde Snickered

The late bell rang before I could get the last word in. But before I walked to class I made flipped off the blonde and made my way to class. As I walked down the hall I turned around just to get one last look at her and I noticed she turned around too.

A/n sorry this was kinda short I'm still figuring out all the details

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