Ep. 2 ❝Everyone thinks we're a couple❞

130 7 2

Halloween AU

Expletives/Overview: unintentionally matching costumes, fluff,  swearing, fake blood


  "C'mon,"Steve begged, extending out his words into a groan. He gives Bucky a friendy pat on his shoulder,"it'll be fun."

"Steve, my buddy and pal"–Bucky sighed heavily and looked his long-time friend dead in the eyes–"fuck off."

Steve let out a breath slowly and stayed silent, trying to find a way to convice Bucky to be his +1 for an upcoming Halloween party. He trailed behind Bucky at an annoyingly slow pace, watching as he opened his apartment door to show Steve out. Bucky waited by the door with a tight-lipped smiled and leaned against the black door with a hand resting on the doorknob. Steve shoved his hands into his pockets and a smile grew on his lips,"it was good seeing you, Buck."

"Likewise, Steven,"Bucky mumbled, he just wanted Steve to leave already –he loved the man, but somewhere through the years things had changed and Bucky wasn't much of an outgoing guy anymore. Steve stood outside Bucky's apartment, shifting side to side with a pensive look. He breathed in deeply,"just think about it, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah,"Bucky quietly agreed, he glanced towards the floor then looked up at Steve. He gave him a small smile,"I will, I will! Don't count on me to give my costume any effort though.."

Steve fought down the urge to grin stupidly and played off his excitement,"sure, it's at 9, this Sunday, do you need a ride?"

"No, I'm good."

"Cool, I'll send you the address."


  Bucky had a week to decide if he wanted to go, after Steve left last week he had received a simple text message with the address of the party. Then a few more with excessive Halloween-related emojis, this brought out a small chuckle from Bucky as he tossed his phone aside. He wondered what the worst that could happen if he went and then the best; the worst being another night in county jail (wasn't really Bucky's fault, he didn't plan on getting in a bar fight, but that guy was just so fucking annoying) and the best being a pretty chill party with mutual friends.

The real deal-breaker was picking out a costume, Bucky wasn't one for staying on trend and knowing what would make up a, quote, good festive Halloween costume, unquote. Steve's words –er, text message. Bucky sighed dramatically, plopping down onto his futon, it made the brown frame creak from his heft. He sat there mindlessly for an unnecessarily long amount of time, thinking (over-thinking, if anything).

Bucky didn't know why going to this party irked him so much, maybe it was because it was his first social outing In quite a while or the possibility of seeing Steve's friend, Sam. Embarrassment crept up on Bucky, flushing his face red and picking up his heart beat. Okay, so maybe Bucky had a tiny crush on Sam–

"I like Sam,"Bucky declared outloud to himself, as if it would change it's impact if he wasn't only thinking it. He rubbed his hand down his face, dragging down his red cheeks,"what am I gonna do?"


  It was the night before the party, Bucky was beginning to contemplate everything, except he had to go to the party now; he already told Steve he'd be there. Bucky groaned, he didn't even have a costume picked out. Which called for a late-late night trip the the nearest party/Halloween store and looking for a simple costume with just the right amount of effort. So at around 1:30 in the morning, Bucky walked out with a bag containing: a stereotypical devil costume with horns and pitchfork, eyeliner, individual canine fangs (the store clerk said it would add that extra sumthin), fake blood –cherry flavored–, and a cheap white dress shirt. Along with his own black suit and dress shoes he had at home, Bucky was set to be a hot, horned devil.

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