New Crew

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I wasn't a fan of History. I had way too many questions to which I  got very few answers. The teacher, Ms. Gray was fine, a good teacher even but the subject to me, always brought controversy.

Walking slowly to class with Moya still staring at her phone screen, I pulled open the classroom door and stepped inside. The air felt different. I wasn't appreciating my new ability to pick up everything new in my surroundings. It made me nervous.

Searching for a seat for myself and Moya, I spotted two seats close to a window. Walking towards the seats while steering Moya, a strong scent of peppermint and cinnamon attacked my senses. It was pure heaven. Maybe mom could make something with that combination. Don't you just love how my thoughts always lead back to food? 

After taking our seats, I noticed we had a few new persons. That's when my eyes met his for a brief moment. I think I just saw the sexiest man alive. He was about 6'2" with Sapphire blue eyes, beach blonde hair that looked like it came out of a box, olive skin tone and a ton load of muscles. I had to be dreaming.

He swaggered to a seat, two rows away from mine. Two other persons, who I didn't recognize walked in behind him. Clearly they were also new.

He gave me a shy smile. I couldn't help but blush a little. I slowly turned my head back to the window not looking beyond it because I was lost in my head. If Moya wasn't so caught up in her phone she might've seen them, maybe even said something to him. Thinking about it now, I'm kinda glad she didn't notice them.

But who was he? My curious side was in full gear now but my mind wouldn't allow me to act on it. I was too awkward.

Yeah I don't have a boyfriend, never did and I don't think I needed one. I think this is why my mom said I was gay. It really did not bother me. To me, boyfriends were a distraction but that was while I was in highschool and keeping my GPA above 3.7. I didn't feel lonely or anything but I guess one couldn't be bad, I mean how hard could a relationship be? All I have to do is feed him daily and kiss him a few times a week right?

 The guys in high school would ask me out but I was either too caught up in my work or too shy to actually go out. How people do this eludes me. My sister Shey on the other hand, was someone completely different when it came to that sorta thing.

Ms. Gray walked in looking nice as usual, in a full red and white polka dot skirt suit and white flats. Her hair had silver streaks which was highlighted by her light make up, blue and grey eyes and thin rimmed spectacles. She was in her late 40's but she didn't look a day over 30.

"Okay class, we have a few new students and we'll ask them to give us brief introductions before we begin class"

 She always made everyone feel included. It made me wonder how we were supposed to get the full college experience with this pampering, not that I'm complaining. When you really think about her in Phoenix, it wasn't really an urban area, the rules here were really different. I could understand why this new group would move here.

Mr. Sexiest man alive stood up first to introduce himself. His voice was so velvety. Damn. 

"Well I'm Mason Carter. I'm a drawing artist, guitarist and I sing a little. Um... Gemini, 20 years old this year and when I'm finished with school I'm going to be a music teacher. That last bit I always wanted to add", he said quietly with glistening eyes.

 I never really liked Gemini's but maybe he's different. Yeah Kat, very original.

At the end of his introduction I could hear the swoons and sighs from the ladies in class. Typical females. The next guy stood up.

"My name is Enado Tobias and I'm a painter", he said awkwardly. He didn't look uncomfortable but he didn't look like he wanted the attention either.

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