Chapter 17

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3rd POV

About a week has passed, the two boys had already turned in their Spanish History project earlier that day. Though the two had gotten along, they thought it would be the end of things and they'd go back to being rivals. Little do they know that'd be the complete opposite.


Dream pulled a book off the shelf, scanning the title as he hummed a soft tune. He was currently in the library trying to get a textbook that was required for a class. Though, he did get a bit sidetracked and is now looking for a book that came of his interest. Lunch had just started so he decided to take his sweet time looking for it.

Dream let out a sigh of disappointment as he put the book back in its place. He moved on and found himself in the section of Greek Mythology. The blond looked around, gazing at multiple books. He looked up at the tall bookshelves before he found himself bumping into someone.

"Oh- shit, sorry-" Dream looked up to see who he had bumped into, they had long silky, soft, long pink hair. They turned around and looked down at the shorter, "Oh it's you." Dream said bluntly (jokingly).

"So you're not sorry just because it's me?" Techno said as he quirked an eyebrow.

Dream chuckled as he went back to looking at the shelves, "What are you doing in this section?" Dream asked out of curiosity.

"This is usually where I get my books, I buy them from here and the money goes to the school charity." He explained.

Dream hummed in response, as he took a book off the shelf.

'The story of Theseus.'

He turned the book over to read the description, 'This book contains the story of Theseus, a great man who fought the minotaur and saved his city-' Dream's thoughts on reading were interrupted by the pinkette leaning over his shoulder.

Dream swiftly turned around "What were you-" The blond was startled and quite embarrassed by the actions of the other. His tail automatically wrapping around the pinkette's leg, as if to grab him.

"Can I see that book?" Techno asked, completely unfazed. Dream didn't say anything, he instead relaxed his tail and handed him the book. Dream wrapped his tail around his own leg, quite ashamed about what he had done while the pinkette observed the book. Looking around the cover and flipping through a few pages.

"Huh, I think I'll buy this," Techno said as he closed the book and looked at Dream, who was still a bit flustered about grabbing him.

"Oh, that reminds me. Tommy said he still wants you to come over and play bedwars sometime. I told him you might refuse, but it's whatever you want, I don't really mind.." Techno mumbled the last part, his eyes looking away from the mask the other wore.

"Tommy? Oh, sure I can come over from time to time, I don't mind and I don't think my mom won't either."

A tint of excitement lit up in Techno's eyes, though it vanished as fast as it appeared.

"'K I'll tell Tommy that. He said he wanted you to come over tomorrow if that's possible for you, but if not, anythings fine."

"Yeah? Alright then, I'll try to come over tomorrow." 

"Yeah, see you 'round I guess..." Techno waved and walked away, little thumps of noise soon fading.


Dream stood there, he hadn't noticed before but his heart was racing. But why?

The blond shook it off and exited the library, making his way back to the cafeteria to find his friends and to explain what was going on. He speed-walked down the hallway, lingering students moving out of his way when he walked by. 

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