024. those who are gone

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⸻ ALL GOOD THINGS MUST END, no matter how painful the fact may be, life will never take it's time to slow down or speed up for you and it definitely will never turn on your favor

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ALL GOOD THINGS MUST END, no matter how painful the fact may be, life will never take it's time to slow down or speed up for you and it definitely will never turn on your favor. it was heartbreaking to grow older and realize that every minute you had spent will be nothing more than a memory and something you wish you had treasured for every second while it lasted. 

for oikawa tooru, he had taken the summer for granted. the last summer before he had to go out into the world and work for the rest of his life, the last summer he could spend with his friends, and the last summer he would ever see [name] again. 

it was a mess— his head, that is. thoughts swimming around as he laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. oikawa had left tadame's home the day before, declaring that the best way to clear his head was in a different atmosphere, where [name] wasn't free to catch him pacing nearby any time soon.

his hand had grabbed ahold of his phone, disheveled almond hair lifting up from the pillow by an inch as he got a good look at the time. from what tadame told him, today was the day she would leave… and her departure was only two hours away. 

oikawa sighed out, hand falling back onto his bed as he counted the small glow in the dark star stickers on his ceiling. how could he see her? would he have to make a big gesture and apologize? or would he just go to say bye and immediately leave? it's not like either would make much of a difference, especially since she had made it clear that she held no interest.

the cellphone vibrated, making his head turn slowly to face it— the contact name being 'iwa!' and his eyebrows furrowing at the message. there was a knock at his window and his body jolted up and turned to the side at the window directly beside his bed. there was more tapping and he sighed, pushing away the curtains to his darker haired friend.

oikawa lifted the window and sighed, "i don't need a lecture…"

"you look depressed and gross, you should shower," iwaizumi immediately insulted, leaning into the windowsill, "you wouldn't wanna see her looking like a dirty kid, would you?"

"i'm not going to see her. she has no interest in me anyways—"

"so she told you that?" "no." "so how do you know?" "i just do—"

iwaizumi's scoff made oikawa's head turn aggressively, irritation suddenly pooling his stomach. if iwaizumi had only showed up for the purpose of mockery, the brown eyed male was definitely not in the mood for it. the friend noticed oikawa's expression, deciding to press on his nerves.

"you really are selfish… huh." 

then his heart dropped and they both heard it. it was as if a pin was dropped in front of a crowd of silent people and the painful expression was enough to know that iwaizumi had hit him… hit him harder than any physical pain he had caused him. 

"yeah… i am…"

there was one more hour until departure and [name] had finally put the last suitcase into her mother's car. her heart was beating rapidly, checking left and right in the ally in hopes that oikawa tooru would come running over like a knight. 

in her fantasy, he would hold a bouquet of [favorite flower]s and he would trip over his feet as he sped closer. oikawa would hug her and say that he would wait for her to be ready for him, maybe he would ask her to stay— and although she wouldn't, she would still sob at the question. his hands would caress her face and wipe away her tears and he would confess his love to her and promise to wait, no matter how long it took.

but it was a fantasy. 

as time ticked, [name] had realized that she couldn't find comfort in fantasy any longer. with every hug she had given, to her old neighbors and her little brother, she had felt the pit in her stomach grow deeper with regret. she regretted not spending every moment with those she loved because now, she was officially an adult.

tendou satori had showed up to bid her goodbye with his girlfriend and semi eita at the far back, giving a small wave before looking away sadly. [name] had appreciated the gesture, smiling and holding back her tears as she gave the couple their last hug and returned the wave to her ex-boyfriend.


the [hair color] haired girl turned, tadame and takeru standing in the driveway a couple of inches away as if waiting in a line for the young woman to finish up her farewells. tadame gave a smile, a smile that was slowly breaking with every longing look at the young and beautiful girl she had watched grow ever since she moved in next door.

[name] could no longer stay strong, immediately running over and wrapping her hands around tadame and takeru as she let out loud sobs.

"i-i'm so sorry," tadame cried out, "my brother i-is such an idiot!"

"no tadame," [name] pulled her head away, sniffling softly and giving a smile that broke into tears again, "p-please it isn't your fault… it's okay i promise." [name] pulled away and wiped her tears, breaking into tears again, causing tadame to pull her in once again.

"thank you… so so much," she cried out, squeezing into the hug, afraid to let go, "you have been nothing but kind to me throughout all these years. thank you so much." 

"i'll always be here," tadame whispered, pulling away for the last time to wipe her tears, "no matter what, okay? don't be afraid to call."

[name] gave a firm nod with a sad laugh before looking down at takeru who was sniffling softly, wiping away his own set of sobs. the young woman kneeled down and squeezed his hand, "whenever you eat watermelon make sure you think of me, okay?"

takeru nodded, before giving his first love a quick hug, squeezing at her softly before pulling away.

[name] got up, and for the last time, she looked into the streets. she looked back and forth, left and right, before letting out a sigh. it was now time for departure and the call of her mother brought her back to reality. 

she entered the car, looking back at taru who sat in the backseat and leaned back into her seat as her mother pulled out of the car. her [eye color] eyes watched out the back window, the group of people who came waving and cheering for her. her heart sank and she felt her tears rush through as she put the window down and looked out from it, waving back at them happily.

the eruption of cheers and waves made her laugh once again as she cried, continuing to wave and continuing to wish that the person she wanted to be there the most was standing in the crowd.

but, it was true. oikawa tooru was selfish.

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