010. those who are weak.

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⸻ OUTSIDE OF HIS SISTER'S HOME, oikawa could hear the faint sound of a door closing nearby, his head shifting towards the noise in hopes takeru hadn't popped up behind him because he had awoken

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OUTSIDE OF HIS SISTER'S HOME, oikawa could hear the faint sound of a door closing nearby, his head shifting towards the noise in hopes takeru hadn't popped up behind him because he had awoken.

he was suprised, and quite relieved, that the young boy wasn't behind him and instead turned towards where his sister's and neighbors houses were divided by a fence.

oikawa could see a shadow from the neighbors porch light. a shadow that cast onto the door and slowly shrunk as the person sat down, at least he assumed they were sitting down.

his eyebrow lifted and he slowly approached the fence, standing on his tiptoes and peering over to the young girl who sat down with her head buried in her hands.

oikawa hadn't expected to see her, even though he knew she lived next door. he assumed it would've been her mother or someone else, not the [hair color] haired young woman who was clearly stressed from the way she lifted her head up and raked her hair back- revealing the tears that streamed down her face.

the chocolate brown haired male couldn't help but feel bad, wondering if he should try to comfort her or let her be. he only stared, debating on what his next move should be until she had answered his question for him.

"if you're going to stare," she mumbled, turning her head to the male who peaked over the wooden fence, "you could at least come to my side."

"oh, sorry," he quickly apologized, falling back onto his heels and quickly walking around the fence to the front of [name]'s house.

the tips of oikawas fingers tapped against his alien pattered pajama pants (that he had brought to sleepover tadame's house) anxiously. he wasn't sure what to say or how he could in anyway attempt to make her feel better without asking her, "what's wrong?"

the graduate looked up, huffing out softly and crossing her. she opened her mouth to speak, but interrupted herself with a hesitated shrug and a sigh.

"you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

the night grew silent after the reassuring words oikawa had provided. the only noise being the rustling leaves and the wind that had howled, the only light being from the street poles in the alleyway and the small latern that was attached beside [name]'s front door.

the silence was something [name] basked in while oikawa only grew anxious in it. he wasn't sure why he had decided to walk over, especially when they weren't nearly as close enough for heart-to-heart midnight talks.

a soft tapping knocked him from his daze, her [favorite color] painted nails tapping on the small spot beside her, which he slowly approached and sat down on.

"my mom and i got into a fight," she whispered, the words being nearly inaudible if it wasn't nighttime and already silent.

oikawa looked over at her, eyes widened as she looked at the scenery before her. concern washed over him at what she had said, watching as she slowly rocked back and forth.

"it was about some stupid college application and she started calling me names and stuff," [name] sighed out, shrugging casually as if she wasn't just crying. "i should be used to it, ya know? even when my dad was alive she was always this opinionated and angry woman who clearly hated everything."

he didn't know what to say. he could hear the pain in her voice as she spoke, he could feel how tense she was everytime her shoulder brushed his when they spoke.

"a-and i tell myself it's fine because i get to leave and live my own life whenever i want now but-" she cut herself off, her head digging into her knees as she released soft sobs, "but i'm so weak."

oikawa couldn't process how it had happened. he didn't understand why his arms had suddenly wrapped around her, pulling[name] close to his chest. he didn't understand why his hand was on her head as tears streamed down her face.

"you're not weak," he whispered reassuringly to her, "you're one of the strongest people i have met."

then, the silence had occured again.
the two unable to speak, but her soft sniffles echoing with the wild and the rustles and occasional sounds of tires gliding against the road.

her eyes were sealed shut as she sniffled against him, oikawa rubbing her beautiful [hair color] hair softly.

then, she pulled away. her hand moving towards her eyes and wiping away the tears that had stained her beautiful skin.

"sorry about that."

"you don't have to apologize."

[name] giggled, releasing the sound that was music to oikawa's ears. the sound he had longed to hear everyday and was blessed to hear it when they were alone and not surrounded by children.

"your girlfriend must be lucky to have you," she sighed out, playfully landing a weak, soft punch to his shoulder with a forced smile.

his brown eyes glanced down at her, chuckling softly and shaking his head. "no, i don't have a girlfriend," he debunked, shaking his hand at the claim.

[name]'s eyes widened, hands flying to her mouth in shock. "i-i'm so sorry! last year tadame told me that her brother, well you, was in a relationship and i-"

"hey, don't sweat it," he laughed, rolling his shoulders back with a sigh. his elbow fell to his lap as he propped his chin to his hand.
"she dumped me because i was 'too obsessed with volleyball' or whatever."

[name] stared in confusion, wondering why in the world that would be a good excuse to dump someone. being dedicated to something was definitely not a reason to break up with someone.

she let out a 'tch' before crossing her arms, "that's such a dumb reason to dump someone!" her eyebrows were furrowed as she shook her head slightly angry, "if i was your girlfriend, i wouldn't have dumped you over something stupid like that!"

pink coated his pale cheeks.
'if i was your girlfriend.'

yeah, 'if '

end of the 'june' act and
probably the last update
for a couple of days/weeks.

i will be posting the 'july'
act border but until then
i hope you all know ily ♡

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