ch.39 betrayed

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Izuku pov (I don't remember when was the last time I did izuku pov)

As I and Alfred were coming out of the class and headed to teachers room, in my way I saw cemento running to my direction, as I thought 'I think I am having a deja ve here', cemento went to me and said "Mr.verde you have a guest!" I was worried, not because of the guest, but why cemento was so worked out about it.

I asked "who's she?" Cemento shook his head and said "he, not she" I was surprised, he asked "who is he then?" Cemento said "I don't know, but he's with two guards, they looked like royal guard" my expression changed, it changed from confusion to irritated, I said to Alfred "Alfred, go and get me my cane that I used, and meet me in front of the principle office".

Alfred nodded and went to get my cane, I thanked cemento and went slowly to Nezu office, I kept my nerve calm to not make any lethal mistake, when I arrived, I saw Alfred with my cane, I took it and motion to Alfred to do not interfere of what ever happens in the room.

When I went inside, I met with two guards from the royal guards and a gray haired boy, the boy was sitting on the sofa with his sword next to him and the two guards were standing behind him, I walked by the cane and looked at nezu who was looking at me, searching for something in my eyes.

I sat down and looked at him and asked "what are you doing here......Adam Dormer?" He looked at me with a innocent smile, he said cheerfully "Mr.verde! Why the cold shoulder to me? I never did anything bad to you, I just came here to talk, that's all" I hated his way of talking, if I hate someone more than AFO, then it's him.

I said to him in a cold tongue "Cut. The. Chase, why did you come here and what do you want from me?" He chuckled and said "first, the rat must go out of this room, it's something important we're discussing", he just said to nezu a 'rat', nezu was about to stand up and go out side, but he stopped when he heard my yelling "stay where you are right now nezu!!!".

All of them looked at my angry face, I said "Sit. Down. Right. Now" he returned to his chair, I said to Adam "what do you have to say to me, he must heard too, now, spilt it already!" He chuckled and said "fine, you see, as you now, I want to do something about the empty rules of Britain, I want to change some rules, but I can't since I am not in that position, so I want you to help me achieve it".

I said "you, want to change the law of Britain, that only the king can change, what do you want" he chuckled and said "I said it already, but let me add a little detail, you see, the king is a little old, he can't continue his work, so I thought ab-" he stopped when i pulled my cane sword to put on his throat, but he grabbed his sword and blocked my sword, as we both were pushing our swords against each other.

I said in a threat tongue "how dare you talk like that to his majesty?!? Do you have a death wish? If so, let me make it true to you, you arrogant disgrace!!" Both of his guards were about to point there guns at me, but Alfred was aiming his guns at them, I said "Get. Out, get out from here right now!! And never show your face in front of me you traitor!!".

He chuckled and sheathed his sword while saying "fine, I thought we could do something together, but it seem I was wrong, hope we see each other again soon, very soon, Mr.verde" he went to the door and left with his dogs behind him.

I sighed and looked at nezu who was looking at me for some answers, I pinched my nose bridge and said "his name's Adam Dormer, he's the nephew of his majesty" nezu was surprised as he asked "why do you hate him so much?" I said "before I went to Britain, he was suppose to marry Sophie and be the next hier of the throne, Sophie didn't like him, so Mr.Dormer, his father and the little brother of his majesty, wanted to trike his majesty by making both of Adam and Sophie engage and thinking they'll know each other better and love each other".

Nezu thought about it and asked "what went wrong then?" I replied "me, when I went to London with sho for the first time, I greeted his and majesty, when I was about to greet know when they say 'love at the first sight' that happened, when Mr.Dormer knew about that, he wanted to fast things up, but his majesty cancelled all of those and wanted his daughter to be happy, after a while, Mr.Dormer had a heart attack.......he died, after him, his son was the family head, he want to become the one in control, that why I, sho, and the agency hates him" nezu nodded.

I went outside and sighed, I didn't have a good feeling about what gonna happen, I called sho, when he picked up, he said "hello izuku, it's rare for you to call me, what seem to be the problem?" I said "he was here" I didn't hear anything from other line for a while until he said "what do you want me to do?".

After a week

I went to the class to see what the different happen when I was gone, as I opened the door, I was greeted by a very tired faces, I said to them "what happened? You all look like died" Kaminari said "we wish we were died, at least, we won't suffer" which got many agreements, I waited until my five students come, when the door opened and they came, I started the lesson.

I said "today, I want to know how much stronger have you co-" I couldn't finish when the door blowed up that send a wave of dust and wind to us and the windows were broken, in a spilt secon, I had a 40 lezer pointed at my head, I looked to see British army, pointing there guns at me, I said "what's the meaning of this?".

One if the soldiers said "izuku Verde, you're under arrest for traitorly, betraying his majesty order, and making a rebellion against the royal family" all of the room were quite, no one said anything, as I thought 'he set me up, that bastard!!'.


And that's for this time, hope you enjoyed, bey.

By the way, has this book gone too far? I mean, I rarely see a book that have more than 20 chapters, while mine is 39 and goes to more, should I make the end near or continue my ideas on this book?.

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