ch.43 worse than death

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3rd pov

As they started to go to the plane, aizawa said "tell me why are we going to China, you didn't even said anything and you want to fly to a country without telling anything " izuku said "you'll know when we'll arrive" izuku started the plane, as he was about to hold the throttle level, his hand was shaking, he clenched his hand then grabbed the throttle again but without shaking.

He took off the the plane, as they were in the sky, izuku didn't let Alfred put the autopilot on and didn't let aizawa get Sophie out of his sight, izuku flew the plane as fast as the engine of the plane could get, aizawa couldn't take it and shouted "izuku, tell me where are we going right now!!".

Izuku didn't answer, he kept focusing on the plane, which made aizawa yelled "answer me izuku!! Where the hell are you taking us?!?!?" Izuku frown and yelled "you'll understand for God sake!! You'll understand when we arrive so shut the hell up and tell me what's Sophie's condition!!" Aizawa looked at Sophie's heart pulses.

After a while

As they arrived to China Airport, izuku quickly drove his personal car from the back of the plane and went in front aizawa who was holding Sophie, izuku said "hop in, we need to move fast!" As aizawa went inside the car, izuku drove out of the airport and started his way to his destination.

While they were driving in a very fast speed and recklessly, as they were driving, izuku signalled Alfred for something which aizawa didn't noticed, as Alfred saw the signal, he started to prepare some data, izuku looked behind him once or two in a moment to know if Sophie's condition got worse or better.

As they got closer, aizawa saw a large forest, aizawa asked izuku "izuku, it's just a forest, do you know the way?" Izuku didn't answer him, he just kept driving through the forest, at last, when he stopped, they met with a large wall of stone of a mountain, aizawa looked at izuku said "izuku, this isn't time for walking around, we need to get her to a hospital".

Izuku didn't even respond, he went to the wall and started to search the wall
For something, when he found it, he pressed it and the wall was removed to be met with a giant iron gate, izuku looked at the side as he saw the password keyboard, he pressed some of the numbers and put his finger on finger scanner, he grabbed one hair of his own and pulled out, he pressed a button on the keyboard and a board was opened, he put the hair in it and it scanned the hair.

When it finished scanning, the iron gate was opened and a voice said "welcome back, master" izuku looked at aizawa and said "come, we don't have time, and a hospital can't do anything to her, the poison is already in her whole body, we need something else" as he went inside with Alfred behind him, aizawa followed them while carrying Sophie.

When all of them got inside, a voice from before said "Sir, there's an unknown person with princess Sophie between his arms, should I eliminate him?" As some weapons came out of the roof and they were pointed at aizawa, izuku said "no, he's with me and I ordered that to it to be prepared, is it or not?" The voice said "it's ready sir" the weapons were returned to where they were.

Aizawa said "izuku, it's time to explain" izuku sighed and nodded, he went to some direction and motion to aizawa to follow, izuku started to explain as they were going through the hall full of machines and inventions "I recall that Sho have already told all of you about where's my creations, well, here we're, this is the place where all my inventions have been put, all my creations i hid from the society".

As aizawa looked around, he saw some invention names as they were named by a holographic board, izuku pointed at one if them and said "that's the device we'll use" aizawa looked at it, it was a capsule by the size of a large person, it was connected to a helmet and a computer, izuku motion to aizawa to put the helmet on Sophie's head, as he did, izuku went to the computer and started.

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