ch.2 the beginning pr.2

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Izumi pov

We were silent, no sound come from any of us, finally shoto broke the silent "it may work actually, think about it, if he is see that quirk is dangerous he will be scared on his life" I think for a moment and I agree too, shoka and katsumi agree too, before we went to izuku I said to them " we will do it to him just to scares, no more no less, agree?" They all said "agree", we went to izuku desk and he seem, calm?

Izuku pov

I was thinking about what to do since by the look of it my family will forget about me in sec, my thoughts will cut by my sister and her friends, my sister was the first one to make a move, she come forward and asked " izuku, are you still trying to be a hero?" I replied " yes I-" I couldn't finish my sentence before an exploration sent to my face and sent my to the wall, then katsumi spoke saying " how can someone like you can be a hero without a quirk you loser, you're defenseless, powerless, quirkless, you're a deku" then katsuki start kicking me with shoto and insulting me, I didn't care about any of this, what I care how can she look at and do that to someone, to her own brother, after the beat up the school went as usual except every break period I was asked by izumi and her gang the same question and I give them the same answer and they replied by beating me until the school is over and I beaten up again when I get up it was so late and I went to home running, when I open the door there there, when I went inside there were they asking how izumi was and how was she doing in school, I knew from that moment that I am no longer have place in this family. I went to my room didn't bother with lunch or dinner, I cried till I fall asleep, I cried the tears I was holding for what happened to my life.

Times kip 6 years later

Six years with touring and neglecting, forgotten by my own family, will at least not everyone is bad with me uncle shouta, uncle enji, and uncle masaru with auntie rei and auntie mitsuki and granpa sorahiko (gran torino) is so nice with me they are the only one who care for me, but other were.......brutal, in school izumi with her gang are always torture me till I swim in my own blood, but things went to far and that was the last string I had with them and all started with, *ack* I was kicked in my stomach for god knows how much, I start to cough blood to much, kastuki then took something under my desk and it was my analysis book, he then said " what do we have here? look it's his analysis book, why do you needed when you can't be anything, HUH deku?" It was nothing, it was like I didn't heard it, but what izumi said did something in me, something far more damage that can be repaired, she said " hmm, izuku if you want to be hero that much I know a way to get a quirk, take a swam dive down a roof and pry to have a quirk in next life time" her gang seem shocked for what she said, she then remembered what she said and she was also surprise, they left me on the ground and left me, I got up and tried to walk down to the park since no-one will concern about me or care whether I die or live, when I look at the park I notice there aren't anyone here, 'my luck' I sat down on one the bench and think what went wrong, I lost track of time when I heard someone sat down someone next to me a tall man with eyepatch and well built, I turn to stare at orange sky showing how late am I, I felt the man next to me stare at me so I asked without looking at him " sir, if you're a robber taker whatever you can find, but I doubt you will find anything, if you're a rapper, you have a poor taste in bodies, if you're some kind of villain who want to kidnappe a kid and take money in exchange of money kidnappe someone with a quirk, if you're neither of them then please stop stare at me like that" the man taken back at my talk he then said " you had some gut so speak to someone, especially if you know he's stronger than you" I replied " but you aren't power abuser if you talk like that and have calm mind" which shock him more and laughed which surprise me, he then gram something in his long coat and pull out a card and give it to me, I readed it and it say:
Name: sho tracker

General in great Britain army.

I was surprised to meet someone like him in here, in the same time confused, I asked him " tell me, are giving anyone who talk to you your business care or is there some people specific?" He laughed harder this time and he said" kid I like you, and about your question no, you see I am actually in vacation and I saw you with dead in your eyes and want to know why, so kiddo first tell me your story and I will give you a deal that benefit both of us" and I thought ' well, there isn't any thing to lose, so why not' after i explain my life story, when I finished i asked him" so what's your deal that you talked about?" He than tell me that he want me to come with him to UK and be an agent working for him and the UK Royal family, I was taken back by this, 'why, just why he want someone like me with him?' So I asked him " why me? if you're telling me the truth you should search for someone coalfield for your......job." he surprise me more if this even possible by what he said " you are dead kid, that's mean you aren't scare of death, I want someone like you" I thought for a minute and I put my hand in front of him as a emotion to shack and I said what he want to hear " when to start, boss" he smiled and shake it and said " welcome in, kiddo, now you're in we have to change your name and you must have a code name since you will serve the royal family and you'll train in London and just the Royal family and government will know about your training and you have to say goodbye or write a letter to your old family and come with me to London" and I say goodbye to and went to home and sneaking to my room without anyone to know.

Will, that's for this one see ya in another one.

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