ch.45 wining against death

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3rd pov (after few months)

After a month from the funeral, izuku locked himself in the laboratory and didn't let anyone inside, since that day, no one dared to try entering there as he threatened anyone by Killing them, Sho was worried as the agency was too, George tried many times to talk to Izuku as Elizabeth did too, but they got only one answer "she's my wife and will stay that way until I die, she's and always be, and death won't take her from me, not this time".

UA teachers and students, Japan heroes and heroines, Todoroki's family and some of Bakugou's family(katsuki returned to his home by some agents) all of them were worried and talked to Sho to tell them what's Izuku state, Sho's news got worse by everytime he gave them Izuku's state, in a second month, explosions started to be heard from the laboratory, when Sho went and looked at what causes those explosions.

Sho found out that the cause of those explosions was Izuku, his inventions started to blow up when he wanted to make a invention for saving Sophie, but it ends up blowing, Sho got more worried as the spark of life is fading from Izuku's eyes as the days goes.

In the third month, Sho got enough of this and made a plan to stop that nonsense, as we see Sho knocking on laboratory's door, but no one opened it, sho knocked again, but no response, Sho used his quirk and his leg started to heat up as his shoes burned up, he kicked the door that broke it and made a burning mark on it.

The laboratory was chaos, everything was either broken or in a miserable state, Sho looked around to find Izuku, but didn't find him, he moved a little but stumbled upon something, he looked at what was it, and it was Izuku on the ground, Sho was worried so he checked Izuku's pulse, when he grabbed Izuku, his hand was slapped, he saw Izuku slapped him.

Sho said "are you awake? If so, you need to rest, now!" Izuku glanced at him and said "I don't need to rest now, I'll rest when I return what was taken from me, now, you get out, I am working" Sho raised his voice a little "that's not working, that's suicide, you're killing yourself!" Izuku got annoyed and said in a louder voice "I don't need you to tell me what to do or not, I know what's best for me!!".

Sho said, this time louder than Izuku "you can't even know what's good and bad anymore!! Look at yourself, you look like a walking corpse!!!" Which was true, Izuku had a pale skin, red eyes like blood, messy hair and a smelly and skinny body, Sho continued "anyway, you have visitors, come out" Izuku didn't care about it and continued his work which got Sho annoyed so he picked Izuku up and carried him on his shoulder.

Izuku couldn't do anything because he didn't has any strength, when they arrived, they went in the meeting room of the agency, when they got inside, Sho put Izuku down and sat down on one of the chairs, when Izuku looked up, he met with two children hugging him, he looked at who are they, it was Kota and Eri.

Izuku was surprised that they were here, he looked at who they were with, which he lifted his head and saw Aizawa and Ms Joke, endeavour and Rei, Masaru and Mistuki, wild wild pussycat, Toshinori and Inko too, he asked "why all of you are here?" Aizawa said "we're worried, you didn't talk to any of us after.......the funeral, so we came here".

Izuku said in a low voice "you didn't have to, it won't change anything anyway" Enji said "kid, it has been three months, you didn't sleep, eat, rest properly, you're starting to be the same state as before, powerless, you need some rest" Izuku shook his head, Izuku looked at the kids and changed the subject for the kids "so, how have all of you been?".

The kids started to talk to him and Izuku smiled that he saw some people to talk to, after a while, George and Elizabeth with Jade came too, Jade was always with George and Elizabeth since Izuku refused to let his daughter see him in that state, Izuku started to smile as he saw how he wasn't alone and there're always people around him to support him.

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