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Honey's POV

A brand new day. I yawn and stretch in my bed as the morning sun hits my face brightly. Thinking about last night with Namjoon and Alex brings a smile to my face. 

After Namjoon left, Alex sat with me as we cuddled and he listened to my worries. He soothed me and we watched movies before it was time to sleep. After spending time with Namjoon, Alex was like the cherry on top of a perfect night. 

But I couldn't sleep as Namjoon's words from earlier had me thinking about how to handle the situation with DMX. I contacted DMX's manager to understand the boys' schedule, and after much hesitation, she finally gave it to me. 

I stayed up until 2 planning around their schedule, and went to bed with a smile. I knew that today was going to be great as I went to sleep, and watching the sun shine bright, it gave me hope. 

Coincidentally Hoseok called me just then. "Hoseok! How are you?" I sit up, excitedly.

"I'm great." Hoseok chuckles, his bright voice bringing a smile to my face. "I called you to wish you good luck on your first day! Don't know how much we'll see each other, but you got this."

I grin. "Hoseok-ah you melt my heart. Thank you, and I think I feel ready due to some wonderful ideas stirring my brain all night."

"I'm assuming a friend of mine had something to do with it?" Hoseok laughs on the other end. "He was quite impressed with you. Probably survivors or saviors guilt, coz I don't believe we've told him yet how much you 'love' us."

I laugh out loud. "Hoseok, that's right my friend, I'm madly in love with you."

"Just the way I like it, baby." I can feel his wink through the phone as I laugh once again. 

"In any case, meet me around 3? We have a shoot and I'll be back around then. You still owe me a story about how your parents met." He demands, and I smile, feeling butterflies at how he remembered such a small detail from our first meeting. 

"Deal! Have a good shoot, Hoseok!" I get out of my bed as I hang up, and quickly get dressed for work. 

Alex is standing near the kitchen with a cup in each hand, and he hands one to me as I walk towards him. I sigh as the sweet smell of coffee fills my soul.

"I have an early meeting today, and I cannot stay for long but," Alex looks at me, "I'm hoping we get to do more of what we did last night."

I blush and shy away from the kitchen, mumbling a "sure". This man does things to me, and I need to not get distracted today. Today is the first day of my new life and job, and I need to get it done right.


I finally arrive at HYBE and step in. The cool breeze of air conditioners hits me as I walk up to the front desk and introduce myself politely. I am escorted to my small orientation session, where I am told the Do's and Don't, walked around the building, and finally, made to sign an NDA. As I do so, I ask for a map of the building, and the staff members chuckles and hands one to me. 

I start roaming around the building, map in hand, to find the DMX studio. The members should be here in another thirty minutes, so I have to be fast. 

However, I travel floors up and floors down again and again, yet I seem to have absolutely no luck in finding the room. 

I decide to ask people, and start knocking on doors to ask around. I see a couple of members from TXT and greet them; however, they tell me they are as clueless about the building as I am still. I laugh as I politely pull away from them. 

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