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Normal muggle pregnancies? A pain in the arse.
Wizard pregnancies? Hermione didn't expect half of the things she was experiencing. Her magic was wonky, none of her spells worked correctly. Potions had different effects or so Draco said, she didn't want to risk finding out.

She was still working but she had a substitute teacher scheduled for her last months of pregnancy. Harry was also working but McGonagall had given him a more flexible schedule.

The young couple was happy about that, they were very lucky to have this amount of support.

"Harry look! Look!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly. Harry looked up from his papers and looked over at her. "Give me your hand! Quick!"

Harry reached out, Hermione grabbed his hand and placed it gently over her stomach. He felt a small kick and grinned matching the happy energy Hermione had. "it's kicking! The baby is kicking!"

Hermione nodded giggling, "we should think of names!"

Harry accioed a small muggle notebook and opened it, "I thought of some actually."

Hermione examined the lists of names, James, Arthur, Sirius, Remus, Albus, Lily, Luna, Celeste, Felicity. "I like James Sirius Potter or Lily Luna Potter."

"I also like Albus Remus Potter." Harry added.

Hermione nodded in agreement, "I think we can decide between these three when I give birth. See what fits the baby best."

"that is a brilliant idea"


Hermione was thankful for everything Harry had been doing for her. He would give her massages, make sure her cravings were met and gave her support in everything. Harry was just happy he could help her in any way possible.

"bath's ready!" Harry called out.

It had been a stressful day for both in their jobs so they were going to take a nice relaxing bath together.

Hermione walked over to Harry taking off her bathrobe and getting in with her back resting on his chest. Harry smiled placing a gentle hand on her 6 month belly, "do you think I'll be a good father?"

Hermione nodded, "I think you'll be a great father. Your heart is filled with love for the baby already and we kind of already have some sort of experience handling kids. I think we'll do just fine."

Harry buried his face in her neck and nodded rubbing gentle patterns on her stomach.


Babyshowers weren't a thing in the Wizarding world which was a good thing because all the planning would be stressful. That and most of their friends were away. Luna was with Neville in an herbology excursion in the Netherlands, Ginny had to go to Romania for a game, Draco and Astoria were staying a France seeing a doctor and family and Ron was in Germany on a mission.

Still their friends sent genderneutral baby clothes in nice creams, dark blues and light pinks colors.

Pansy, however, always tried to visit and help them set up the nursery. Hermione insisted she didn't need to do that but Pansy couldn't be stopped. Besides she knew how to baby proof things for wizard babies.

Hermione didn't mind the company though. She was 8 months pregnant at this point so she was off from work for a while and having friends away was rough. Harry wasn't off from work just yet so she mostly stayed alone but she could call him in an emergency.

Blaise also had decided to visit feeling lonely himself,Ginny was going to come back that night but it was too much of a wait. "how much time do you have before the baby is due?"

Hermione sighed, "about one to two weeks more according to the doctor."

"do you have the bag prepared for the hospital?" Pansy asked.

Hermione nodded, "everything is ready, I can't wait to get this baby out of me."

They all shared a laugh.


Hermione woke up startled, she shook Harry gently. Harry woke up to see her pale nervous face, "Harry my water broke."

"shit." Harry quickly got out of bed and helped Hermione to the flying car not forgetting the bag.

Once they got to st. Mungos Hermione was taken immediately to one of the rooms while Harry sent patronouses to their friends.

After a long while Harry was called in when Hermione was ready to deliver the babies. He didn't faint, he did see a dead voldemort horocrux already, this was nothing compared to that.

At last they had their healthy baby boy in their arms. Hermione smiled, "I think James Sirius fits him."

Harry agreed. The doctor cleared her throat, "I might suggest you take the baby in your arms Mr.Potter. Your wife will likely faint from her magic being drained after this."

Harry took the baby and Hermione fsinted just as the doctor predicted. "Don't worry, it's completely normal when wizard women diliver babies. The magic is just weird that way."

Herry nodded slowly, he didn't need to question the profesional. At least not yet.

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