Baby James

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Normal muggle babies are so much work but wizard babies were something else.

Hermione and Harry had gotten used to cleaning up the normal things all babies experienced; pee, poop, a little vomit here and there and a little saliva but not the accidental magic that could cause things to disappear or float then fall. Harry certainly had to hide his invisibility cloak after one night James got his little baby hands on it and they couldn't fine him for about an hour.

Hermione had finished her year of being a normal teacher then decided to become a supply teacher to make it easier for her to take care of a baby.

"Harry can you pass me a fresh diaper please?" Hermione asked from the baby's room.

Harry looked on the shelf and found one clean diaper then handed it to his wife. "scrucify that one so I can put it in the washer please." Hermione nodded finishing with James then scrucifying the diaper and handing it to Harry.


Hermione was cooking dinner that night when Harry was still playing with the baby trying to tire him out. They had been sleep training little James and it was going well but it was still very tiring for both adults.

James giggled when his father did a funny face and stood up. Harry gasped ready to catch the child but James took little steps towards him before falling on his father's lap. "Mione! He walked!"

Hermione ran towards the living room, "oh no I missed him."

Harry nodded sadly but got an idea, "James go with mummy! Go with mummy James!" Hermione sat close to them on the floor.

James babbled before standing up and took little baby steps towards his mother. Hermione caught him just in time when he fell down again. She was speechless, her son had just taken his first few steps!

Harry scooted closer to them and placed one arm around Hermione's shoulders and one hand on his son's back. "Intelligent, like his mother." Hermione smiled at him and then at her son, they made her heart flutter with happiness.

Suddenly smoke came out of the kitchen, "Shit! Dinner burnt!" Hermione placed the baby in her husband's arms and ran to the kitchen.

Harry laughed, "Language!"


Hermione woke up to the sound of crying, James had woken up. At least it was morning time but Harry was already in Hogwarts.

She quickly stood up and went into the baby's room picking him up gently, "good morning James. Let's change your diaper."

After James was clean his mother fed him and then they went down so she could get something to eat.

She was in the mood for some nice crêpes with some fruit and some coffee. As she made breakfast she heard a little giggle behind her. When she turned around she spotted a strawberry floating thanks to accidental magic. She laughed and took it.

When she finished eating she casted a spell to help her clean the dishes. "James, you want to help me surprise dad?"

James giggled, Hermione took it as a yess and put him in an enclosed baby pen casting a spell to make sure he wouldn't get out of it. She gave him some non toxic paint and paper along with some toys (that had been baby proofed by magic so they wouldn't get destroyed and could be cleaned easily). "here is some paint so you can draw something for daddy!"

James began alternating between painting and playing while Hermione prepared some nice food for Harry. She loved surprising him just as much as he liked surprising her. Luckily she had more than enough time to get everything ready.

After that she got both James and herself cleaned and settled down to read the baby a book, eat lunch and walk with him in their garden.

Before Harry arrived she set the homemade pizza in the oven hoping it would be ready when he arrived so she could put the brownies in after.

Thankfully when Harry arrived the pizza was ready and served.

"I'm home!" Harry announced himself going into the kitchen, "smells delicious."

Hermione grinned, "one homemade pizza made just for you."

Harry went to hug her, "thank you."

Hermione giggled, "that's not all, James painted something for you."

Even though it was random stroaks of paint Harry was deeply touched. His eyes teared up as he smiled, he loved his family.

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