Stressed Out

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Harry was glad he had the help of others to take care if things at home so Hermione could heal and so his babies were alright. Still he was very stressed and it didn't help that he had to stay because a student had detention.

He taped his foot on the floor watching the clock closely wishing he hadn't been assigned for this detention.

"Are you alright profesor?" Emily, a third year hufflepuf asked.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and turned to look at his student, "Everything is fine Emily, get back to work."

Emily huffed, "I already finished, can't I do something else instead of just sitting here? I can help you grade or organize something."

Harry sighed, "you can read a book from the shelf, they're muggle books I have for teens."

Emily stood up and grabbed a random book, "are you worried about your wife professor?"

Right... Harry was famous, people knew things that happened in his life against his better wishes. "read your book Emily."

Emily sat back down, "you don't need to worry about The Hermione, she surely knows spells to help herself with carrying things and anything else."

Harry smiled softly, "okay detention is over." he said trying hard to sound like he wasn't smiling.

Emily grinned, "see you tomorrow professor! I promise Ill try not to get in trouble so you don't have to stay here longer."

Harry chuckled, "remember there's a test tomorrow."

Emily nodded putting away the book before leaving. Harry quickly gathered his things as well so he could go home.

When he got home he was greeted by a pleasant smell coming from the kitchen. He walked over to the kitchen and smiled when I saw Hermione entertaining the kids whilst using magic to help her cook. She looked up at Harry and grinned, "how was work?"

Harry kissed his kids' foreheads before kissing his wife. He sighed, "everything was great until I had to take care of detention. How are you feeling?"

"it's still a bit uncomfortable but not bad. Having magic and people to help me has really been good. Albus is also doing good,look at him. And Ginny has made sure James gets some exercise to drain his energy."

Harry nodded, "just one more week and I won't have to go to Hogwarts and can stay here to help you."

Hermione smiled, "right now I just need you to sit down and eat something."


After dinner both babies got really sleepy, Harry carried both up to their room. He chuckled at their sleepy tiny faces.

His heart ached, he wanted to spend more time with them and Hermione but he didn't want to quit. He really liked teaching and being the teacher students could come to for a safe space.

He leaned down to kiss Albus, "I love you Al."

After that he walked over to James and gave him a kiss on the forehead as well. James grinned tiredly. "I love you too James. I know it's a bit different right now but I promise I'll spend more time with you soon."

He turned off the lights and went to his room. He still needed to shower, good thing it was still early.

He quickly kissed Hermione who was reading then left to take a nice shower. It really helped his tired body when he showered at night.

After his shower he put his pyjamas on. Hermione smiled at him putting her book down and opening her arms for her husband.

Harry smiled accepting the embrace. "Harry, you have something on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?"

Harry sighed resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm just worried and I feel like I'm not doing enough."

Hermione drew little circles on his back, "and why do you feel like you're not doing enough?"

"I'm away too much. I leave you here with the kids and I know you can take care of yourself and you have magic but I should be able to help you more. Be a better husband."

Hermione shook her head, "Harry you're an amazing husband. You've done so much for me and the kids even if you go away for a bit to teach. You help me put the kids to bed, change their diapers when you can, help me around the house even if you're tired from work. I know you worry about me and Al right now and that's okay but please let yourself relax. Let me do some things, we are a team after all. Besides if I need anything there's always owls and I had an amazing and insainely attractive teacher that tought me how to cast a patronus."

Harry chuckle leaning in to give her a kiss. He couldn't shake his nervousness but he had to trust Hermione would tell him if she needed help.

Hermione pulled back smiling, "I love you."

"I love you too Mione."

They laid down, Harry pulled her gently towards him. She chuckled kissing his forehead, "you can rest Harry. We'll be alright. Sleep."

Harry nodded slowly shutting his eyes  and falling asleep in her warm embrace.

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