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Two Years Later

Rosés P.O.V.

"Five minutes Rosé," I hear a mans voice say from behind the door. "Thank you! I'll be right out!" I gladly shout back as I lace up my leather boot. I quickly check myself in the mirror one last time and take a deep breath before walking out to the stage. "Please welcome to the stage for her debut song Devil In The Details, Rosé!" Jan yells into the crowd. I slightly smile as I hear the crowd applaud me.

Suddenly everything goes silent, and my body is taken over my nerves. All I can hear is the clicking of my heels as I walk to the mic. I faintly hear the music of my song playing, and it hits me. It's my song, MY song. I feel the rush of excitement run through me as I sing my first line, and suddenly everything becomes real to me.

I look out at the crowd where everyone is smiling, and genuinely enjoying my song. I scan everyone, and see her. The blonde girl I fell in love with two years ago. She's the only one lip syncing the lyrics, because she was there every step of the way with me. I look eyes with my beautiful girlfriend and sing the chorus to her, making her blush. I love that I can still make her blush.

I feel a rush of sadness come over me as the song ends, but it is quickly overcome with pure joy. Denali jumps out of her seat first, followed by the rest of my friends and the rest of the crowd. I smile as big as I can, and take a little bow, taking in every moment. I take little steps off stage seeing Jan jumping up and down.

"That was amazing Rosé!" Jan basically yells bringing me into a tight hug. I hug my friend back, feeling so incredible. "Oh shit," she quickly says in my ear before letting go and running back to the stage to introduce the next performer. I giggle and shake my head.

Jan has been hosting an open mic night every week for the last six weeks, and I've performed at every single one. Yes, I'm doing it to support her, but I also just want to sing again. Dance and theatre have taken over my life since freshmen year, but all I really want to do is sing. So, I do these little once a week things to get my foot in the right place. I usually do a melody of two or three songs, but this week I didn't want my song over shadowed.

I run back to the dressing rooms and sit down, still grinning from ear to ear in the mirror. I was the only here tonight other than Jan, all the other acts just sat in the audience and got up when it was their turns.

"Hi, I'm looking for my girlfriend. I hope she didn't forget about me now that shes the star tonight." I instantly smile more. I see Denali in the mirror peaking her head into the dressing room. "I could never forget you," I jump out of my chair. She smiles at me, and takes a few steps towards me. "I was kinda hoping you were changing when I walked in," she giggles. I giggle and wrap my arms around her, pulling her into a passionate kiss.

"Nali, I did it!" I can't hold it in anymore. "Rosie, you have no idea how proud of you I am," she excitedly says, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I saw you lipsyncing the song," I grin. "How could I not, its all you sing ever," she giggles. I stop saying anything and just look into her eyes. "What?" She smiles. "I just, love you so much," I smile. She smiles and kisses me again.

"Okay, enough of this," she says letting go of me. "I just have to change and then I'll be out, okay?" I tell her. "What? I can't stay and watch?" She giggles. "You did that this morning dummy, now go," I laugh. "Eh, might as well. There was this super cute girl in the show tonight and I think I want to take her home with me," she winks at me. "Denali, you are saying all the right words to get me into your bed tonight," I smirk. "Who said it was you I was taking home," she says. I roll my eyes and she leaves the room.

I quickly change and and hear another knock at the door. "It's just me," Jan says entering the room before I can answer. She shuts the door behind her as she realizes I'm changing. "You were so good!" Jan shouts again. "Thank you! I can't even wrap my head around the fact that, I did it! I finally did it," I gush. "I'm so proud of you, you've been wanting this for so long," she says, sitting down in the chair across from me. "I'm really proud of myself actually," I grin.

"Have you seen Denali yet? She was living in the audience," Jan laughs. "She came back a few minutes ago but is with the others right now while I changed," I tell her. "Alright then, I'll let you get changed so you can run back to your little girlfriend," she says sarcastically. "Actually Jan, before you go I need to tell you something. And I might need your help with it," I say, a little nervous. "Yeah, what's up?" She asks.

"I think I want to ask Denali to marry me."

A/N: Welcome back :) When I finished Butterflies, I didn't feel right, but part of me knew it was the end. But guess what, it wasn't the end, clearrrrly. I waited about a month to see if I still wanted to continue this story on, and well, here we are. Welcome back loves, enjoy the ride.

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