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Rosé P.O.V.

"Are you kidding me?" I hear Denali sigh from the other room, followed by her footsteps. "Zamo needs me to teach ANOTHER class," she whines, putting her hand on her forehead. "Are you kidding? What's going on with her? How many classes is that now?" I ask, stirring the rice I'm cooking. "That's the sixth one this month," she says, pulling a sweatshirt on over her head. "I'm sorry, baby, but at least you're gaining tons of experience for the real world," I say, laying the spoon down on the counter. "I know, but it sucks, I was excited for fried rice tonight," she adds with a pout, walking over to me. "I'll save you a plate, okay?" I tell her, bringing her into a hug. "That's only if Mik doesn't get to it first," I say, brushing her ponytail, making her laugh slightly.

"Can I take the car?" She asks apologetically. "Baby, how many times do I need to tell you? You don't have to ask," I tell her with a chuckle. I kiss her forehead, "Now get going, you don't want to be late." "Ugh," she says, pulling out of my embrace. "I love you; I'll be back later," she tells me. "I love you too," I say as she shuts the door. I continue making the rice until the door swings back open a few minutes later, with the face of Mik this time rather than Nali.

"Hi gorge," she says, making her way past me. "Hey Mik," I greet her. "Where's Nals? You guys are usually attached by the hip by the time I get home," she asks with sarcasm in her tone. "That's not true, but anyways, Zamo asked her to teach again tonight," I inform her. "Seriously? Again? That's so ridiculous, she should complain or something," Mik says, shaking her head while rummaging through the fridge for a drink. "I told her to do that, but she's scared if she gets Zamo fired, she won't get the same treatment with someone else," I say. "That's true, Zamo does seriously favor her. She gives the rest of us attention, but there's no one like Denali," Mik says, sipping at the hard lemonade she found.

"There's no one like Denali?" Jackie asks, bursting into the apartment with Jan following. "Awh, did Mik fall for Denali like Rosé did?" Jan asks with a laugh. "Oh, trust me gorge, I would've had Denali by now if I wanted," Mik laughs. "Yeah, right," I laugh hard. "I could have you too, don't tempt me," Mik says, winking at me. I fake throw up, making Jan cackle. "Lemme guess where Denali is," Jackie says with an annoyed tone. "You guessed it," I say, pointing at her. "Ridiculous," Jackie says under her breath.

I finish up the rice while making small talk with the rest of the girls, plate it, and we make our way to the living room to find a movie, but I have different plans. "Hey, before we start the movie, I have something I want to talk to you guys about," I announce. "Are you pregnant?" Jan asks immediately. I take a long pause and look at her. "Jan, think about what you just said. I'm lesbian," I tell her sternly. She looks away from me as Jackie holds in her laughter. "No, I'm not pregnant, but," I take a deep breath, "I want to ask Denali to marry me."

I don't know what I expected for their reactions, but I didn't expect dead silence. "Well, I can see you all are just as excited as I am," I say, rolling my eyes. "Well, you told me already," Jan says. "And she tells me everything," Jackie adds. "Well, Mik, this should be news for you then," I say, looking in her direction. "Well, Rosé, this might be news to you, but Denali tells me almost everything," Mik says. "She told you we talked about it," I say. "Alright, now that we're all on the same page, I need everyone's help. I need this to be perfect for her," I tell them.

"Do you have any ideas yet?" Jan asks. I sit down, rambling off every idea, ones that I've had with no thought and the ones I've had with hundreds of thoughts. "Listen, honey, these are all great, but you gotta think about what feels right for you too. This is about both of you here," Jackie adds. "I also have a thought," Mik says, raising her hand. "Yes, Mik?" I ask. "Have you gotten her parents' blessing?" Mik asks.

"I thought that was a straight person thing?" I ask. "Mainly, but think about how great it would make Denali feel if you got her parents' blessing. I'm sure she wouldn't care if you didn't, but showing that you went that extra mile will really top things off," Mik adds. "Shit, why do proposals take so much work?" I say, throwing my head back.

"I swear to god if Mik ate all the fried rice, I'm going to scream," I hear Denali announce as she walks into the apartment. "I swear to god if any of you say anything to her, I'll kill you," I whisper before Denali walks in with a big plate. She takes a seat on my lap, I lean up and kiss her cheek and ask, "How was class?" "It was a bunch of freshmen who think they're better than me," Denali groaned before shoving more food in her mouth. "It sounds like they weren't very ENGAGED," Mik says. I shoot her a look before flashing a loving smile at Denali to distract her.


I pace around my room in front of my laptop, waiting for Denali's parents to ring through. I asked them if I could have some time in their day to call them over video chat quickly, and thankfully they agreed. They really are kind people, I don't know why I'm so nervous. They've welcomed me in their home multiple times now, and have shown nothing but love and support towards mine and Denalis relationship.

"Is this thing even working?" I hear Denalis mother say over my laptop speakers. "Oh yes it's working!" I say, shuffling over to my chair and sit in front of the camera. "Hi Rosé, how are you dear?" She asks. "I'm good Miss Foxx, a little nervous but I'm good," I say with a smile. "Why are you nervous dear?" She asks with a hint of concern in her voice. "I'll get to that in a second, where is Mister Foxx?" I ask, noticing he's not on the screen. "He's just in the bathroom dear, and how many times have I told you to call us by our names?" She tells me with a stern look. "I'm sorry Mis- I mean, Camilla. It's just a force of habit I guess," I apologize.

"I didn't miss anything yet, did I?" Denalis father asks, sitting next to his wife. "Not yet darling," Camilla says. "Hi Rosé," he speaks to me. "Hi, David," I say, basically choking on his real name. "So what's going on? Why are you so nervous to talk to us? It's not like it's the first time we've ever spoken," Camilla asks. "I know, I just-"I start, trying to think of the right words to say.
"I love your daughter very, very much. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. She means the world to me, and it kills me to ever think of a day without her. Denali and her happiness are my priority, and I would never want to hurt her like the way she has been in the past, and I don't ever plan on that. I want to protect her, bring her love, make her smile, and spend the rest of my life with her. And believe it or not, this rambling has actual meaning behind it, and I'm about to ask probably the second most important question I will ever ask in my life. You two mean so much to Denali, and that's why I would like to ask for your blessing for her hand in marriage?" I sit there, for what feels like forever, just waiting for a response. I feel like the walls are going to close in around me as a gut-wrenching feeling fills my stomach.

"Rosé, I won't lie to you, dear. When we pictured this day, we expected a man asking us. We have expected Denali to marry a man just about her whole life. We had a hard time accepting her when she came out to us, but at the end of the day, she is our little girl and we just want her to be happy and loved," Camilla starts. I feel my stomach flip, expecting horribleness. "I have never seen anyone look at each other the way you two do. I see how happy you make Denali, and how much love is between you two. Since the second we met you, we have known that you would do anything for her and that you are perfect for her. This may not be what we expected, but we want our daughter to be happy and live the life she deserves, and that's exactly what you'll give her. So the answer is, yes Rosé, we give you our blessing in Denali's hand in marriage," she ends with a endearing smile. I feel my heart race differently, from nervousness to genuine happiness.

"Thank you, thank you so much," I tell them repeatedly. "Don't let us down, we love you but aren't afraid if you hurt her," David adds. "I wouldn't dream of it, thank you," I say. "So, do you have proposal plans yet?" Camilla asks, leaning into the laptop. I begin telling her every detail of what my plans are. I questioned every decision I made so far, but telling her after getting the blessing makes it feel perfect. Camillas face grows with a huge smile as I tell her, and I no longer feel nervous. "She'll love it," are the final words Camilla says before we say our goodbyes and hang up the call.

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