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Denali P.O.V.

I walk in the door, toss my bag down onto the kitchen floor, and stomp my way into the bedroom, throwing myself face first onto my bed. I groan into the pillow, letting out the anger and exhaustion I've built up throughout the day. I guess there is some relief left in me today, I had 3 exams and a lab that are now done and over with; and that guy at the coffee shop is no longer staring at me. I push myself to roll over and take my phone out of my pocket, getting ready to text Rosé.

Rosie <3

Rosieeeeeee when are you coming home?

I'll be home soon baby, what's up?

Nothing, I just had a long day and I'm needing some Rosie cuddles

Well I can't so no to that :) I'll be home in like 25

Yay! Drive safe pls

Of course, I love you

I love you more

Doubt it ;)

I toss my phone down next to me, trying to hide the smile thats rose on my cheeks. It amazes me how Rosé can still make me feel like a teenage girl talking to her crush for the first time. She still manages to give me the butterflies every time we touch, kiss, or even look at each other. I sit up and get up off the bed, going to my closet to find something to change into. I pull out a pair of plain black leggings, and make my way to Rosés closet to take out a soft pink hoodie to wrap my body in. I lay back in bed, tugging the covers over my body and scrolling through my phone, waiting for Rosé to come home.

Not realizing I fell asleep, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist as a warm body presses up against my back side, and places a kiss next to my ear. "Hi baby," Rosé whispers. "Hi Rosie," I mumble. "How was your day?" I ask. "It was good, I missed you a little extra today," she tells me, rubbing her thumb along my arm. "I missed you too," I say, grabbing her hand and bringing it to my lips to leave a little kiss. "Is that why you're wearing my hoodie?" She chuckles. "I didn't know I needed an excuse to wear you're hoodie," I giggle, turning to face her. I run my hand through her hair as I look into her tired eyes.

"Can we take a nap? You look as tired as I feel," I pout. She smiles and kisses my forehead. "Of course we can. But we can't sleep for too long or else we'll be up all night," she tells me, making a point. "I mean, would it really be such an issue if we were up all night," I say, raising my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes and smiles, pushing my face away, "go to sleep dummy." I giggle and shut my eyes, falling back into a sleep in Rosés arms.


I wake up with the sudden urge to go pee. I sprint up out of bed, making my way to the bathroom. I finish up and wash my hands, moving back to our room. I lay right on top of Rosie, trying to wake her up. I poke at her face softly, until her nose wiggles. I start to giggle as she starts to groan. I poke at her cheeks until she opens her eyes slowly.

"Nali," she groans. "Yes, Rosie?" I smile cheekily. She looks at me for a second, before flipping me on to my back and starts tickling me. "Rosie!" I squeal. "That's what you get for waking me up," she giggles while ticking my side. I squirm underneath her, trying to get my pay back. I finally wrap my hands around her wrist, and before I know it, she has both my hands pinned to either side of my head. I stare at her silently on top of me, the only noise in the room is our slight heavy breathing. I can tell Rosé is getting lost in her own thoughts by the way her eyes are staring into me.

"This is kinda hot actually," I say out loud, breaking the silence. "Do you want to go get ice cream?" She says immediately, not realizing what I said. "Ice cream for dinner? Yeah why not," I say with a smile. She smiles back and leans down to kiss both my dimples before getting off top of me.

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