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Denali P.O.V.

I open my eyes to a naked Rosé sleeping next to me. I feel a smile grow on my face. I wake up to her everyday, and it never gets old. I lean in and softly place my lips on hers and roll over to get up. I start to stand before I feel her arms pull me back in.  "Don't leave me today," Rosé mumbles as she tucks her face into my neck. I giggle slightly, "Rosie, I have class." I start to move again before her grip tightens. "But I just want to hold you," she whines, "and kiss you," she says while leaving little kisses on my neck. "But," I mutter out before she starts kissing down my arm. Rosé quickly flips me on my back as she straddles me. "Ugh, you've convinced me," I smirk. A smile grows on her face before she pecks my lips and the rest of my body.


I step out of the shower and dry my body. I wrap the towel around my torso and take my ring off the sink. I look at the butterfly charm and smile, I wear it everyday and the feeling never changes, I still get the little butterflies when I look at her. I truly haven't been so happy in my life. Yes, we've fought over our differences, but we kiss and makeup. I finished getting dressed and make my way back to my bedroom, finding Rosé asleep once again. I lean down and kiss her forehead, stirring her awake.

"You have classes today too, don't forget," I smile. She rolls her eyes and smiles. "I love you, have a good day Rosie," I lean down and kiss her on the lips. "I love you too, I'll see you tonight," she tells me before I leave the room. I shut the door and see Mik standing in the hallway. "Ready?" She asks. I nod and follow her out to the car.

"So did you have a good morning?" She smirks. I roll my eyes, making her laugh. "You two aren't exactly the quietest sometimes," she adds, still laughing. I feel my cheeks turn red with embarrassment but quickly laugh it off. We leave the apartment and get in the car.

"I miss Olivia," I think out loud. "Me too, and Kandy," Mik adds. Olivia graduated early and went back home to get working right away, and Kandy paused her education because she didn't feel ready. As for the rest of us, obviously Rosé and I are very happy. Mik is still my best friend, Jan is still Rosés, and Jan and Jackie are still together. We still get together every Friday night, and usually whenever Jan hosts her show. We stay together as best we can.

"Um hey, I'm going out tonight," Mik kind of stutters. "Is everything okay?" I ask, suddenly concerned. "Oh yeah, everything's fine. I'm just, going on a date," she says shyly. "A date? You never go on dates," I asked shocked. Mik doesn't date, she does hookups and thats all. "It's with Nicky," she blushes. I gasp. "Stop it," she laughs. "Mikalina! You're going on a date! This doesn't happen! You're even blushing!" I shout, making her blush even harder. "I just, ugh, I really like her, more than just a friends with benefits," Mik gushes. "I'm very happy for you, Mik," I smile. "Thank you, if tonight goes well, I want to introduce her to the group. You better not embarrass me," she smirks. "I'll do my best," I giggle.

My Rosie <3

Hi Rosie, Mik is going out tonight. I'm thinking dinner date?

I would love that baby. I have rehearsal until 7, so a late one?

I'll stop and grab some things on my way home :) I'll see you then my love <3

I quickly slide my phone into my bag before class starts. The rest of the day goes by quickly. I finish my three classes and even had an hour rehearsal with Ms.Zamo to make my new solo even better. I've placed first two years in a row now, and I don't plan on giving that up anytime soon. I meet with Mik after rehearsal and we quickly run into the store. I grab some pasta, sauce, garlic bread, and pink lemonade sorbet because it's Rosés favorite.

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