Chapter 3- You

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My eyes flutter open. Where was I? I take in bright lights and cots lined up against a wall. I groan as I sit up and memories come flooding in back to me. The hellhound. The three teenagers. Passing out. Healing the hellhound. Passing out again.

My eyes adjust more and the Latino boy comes into focus.

"Oh, good. You're up." He says, "I'm Leo Valdez, bad boy supreme! And welcome to Camp Half-Blood!"

I nod, "Thanks." I say.

I look down at my arm, wrapped in professional bandages. I study it a bit more as the boy named Leo says, "That's it? No more questions?"

"Nope." I look down at my clothes that are tattered, "Do you have any-"

"Okay." Leo says, cutting me off, "This might come as a bit of a surprise, but you need to know this. The Greek gods-"

"Are real." I finish, "Yeah. I know. Monsters, Half-Blood, the whole shebang!"

"How do you know that?!" Leo has a look of shock on his face.

I chuckle at the sight, "Listen Fire Head, this isn't my first encounter with a monster. I love the Greek myths and once I saw the same monsters in my books as in real life, I connected two and two together. So, I came here."

Leo gapes at me then says, "Fire Head?"

"Yep! Your hair lit on fire yesterday, sorry to tell you. Why does does that happen? Does that happen often?"

He blushes a bit, then paints on a smirk, "Only around pretty girls." I blush and roll my eyes.

"Leo?" A voice calls out, "Is she awake?"

"Yep!" Leo calls back.

A girl and boy rounds the corner. There the same ones from last night.

"Hi, I'm Jason." The boy says.

"And I'm Annabeth." The grey-eyed girl says, "Did Leo give you the welcome spiel yet?"

"I didn't need to!" Leo smiles, "(Y/n) had already figured everything out."

"Really?" Annabeth looks at me with... respect? "Surprising, but also nice. How did you find Camp Half-Blood?"

"I was on vacation with my family." I say. I feel the room tense when I say family. "Oh." I say, figuring that none of them really have a solid family. "Sorry."

"It's okay." Jason smiles sadly at me. "Where are you from?" He asks, changing the subject.

I roll my eyes and say, "(H/s) (Home state)" Laying on the accent.

Leo snickers. An uncomfortable silence fills the room.

"Well," Annabeth starts, "We just need the okay from Will and then we can give you a tour of camp."

"Okay. But I should be fine now." I start to unravel the bandage and they all start to loudly protest.

Then, another blonde boy and a guy in a wheelchair comes rolling up.

"Hold it!" The blonde guy says, "I leave you all alone for one second and you let her give herself the okay?!"

"No!" Leo cries, "(Y/n) just started take it off!"

"Yeah, 'cause I'm fine!" I say sternly. Will darts forward and starts bandaging my arm up again.

"Wait," The older man in the wheelchair says, "Will, let her take it off."

"But Chiron-"

"Will." Chiron gives him a stern look. Will steps back and I tug off the bandage.

"Are you sure-" Leo starts, "Woah."

I smirks in an I-told-you-so manner as I reveal my clean, unharmed arm, that only has a long scratch on it, "See? I heal quickly." I shrug.

Chiron looks at me, thinking.

Just then, the scrap on my arm fully heals, right in front of us. My eyes go wide, "I-I've never healed that fast before..."

I look up to see everyone staring at something above my head. My mouth falls open to a light blue cup, dancing around above me.

"All hail," Chiron says, "(Y/n) (L/n), daughter of Hebe."

Leo Valdez x Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now