Chapter 14- You

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I turn back towards Leo. He's staring at me so sadly it makes me want to run to him and give him a hug. But I can't. 

I squeeze my eyes shut to block the tears and mumble, "Blue." The cabin turns a dark shade of blue. 

I want to send a clear signal to Leo. That he broke my heart. 

I trudge into the cabin and up the stairs. I pause, having an idea. 

I don't know if it'll work, but I say, "Maze." and snap my fingers. The room below me turns into a complicated maze, walls going up to the ceiling. I nod defiantly. There. Now no one can get through. 

I run to my bed and flop down on it. And I let the tears come. There are so many emotions. Joy for Leo coming back, but anger about Calypso, and sadness that I won't be able to kiss him now that he's here. 

I had spent months moping around, thinking awful things. Like, if I ever wanted to see Leo again, the fastest way was in the Underworld. 

You can't just flip a switch and turn your feelings around! 

Downstairs I hear the door softly creak open, "(Y/n)?" Piper's voice floats up to me. 

"What?!" I hear Annabeth say, probably looking at the maze. 

Paolo growls, "Damn it, (Y/n)!" 

I hear some murmured conversation. Then, after a good twenty minutes, lessened because of Annabeth, there is a knock on the door. I don't do anything, so they come in.

Piper sees me and cries, "Oh, baby!" She comes and tackles me in a hug, "I'm so sorry," She mutters, "He was so stupid bringing her here! Do you want us to beat her up? I'm sure Calypso doesn't know how to fight." 

"No." I say, wiping tears away, "I want to take the high road. Plus, if she's what makes him happy, that's good. That's all I ever want for him. To be happy." 

There's a silence, "Do you need anything?" Annabeth finally says. 

I shake my head. I just want to know how Leo's doing. But I can't say that. 

Luckily, Piper is a daughter of Aphrodite. "I had to talk Leo out of running after you." She says, "So he ran off. We don't know where he is. Percy is trying to calm Calypso down." 


"Well," Annabeth chuckles guilty, "We maybe said some not-so-very-nice things to her." 

I laugh, blink, then look at Paolo, "Can we train?" 

He nods. 

~Time skip!!!~

I am just finishing washing up from training when Piper comes skipping in the door. I see her happy face and immediately say, "Oh no. What idiotic thing am I going to have to do?" 

Piper grins, sits down on my bed, pats the space next to her, and says, "So," I nervously sit down and she starts braiding my hair, "To celebrate Leo's return," I groan, "Hear me out!" She says quickly, "To celebrate Leo's return (and saving the world), Annabeth had this great idea of throwing a party! Everyone will be there! We get to dress up, and stay up late, and Percy will DJ, and Chiron already agreed to it, and-" 

"No." I say, cutting her off, "I'm not going." I stand, letting the braid fall from her hands.

"Why not?!" She whines. 

"You know exactly what you're doing!" My voice getting higher, "Leo and Calypso will be there and I'll be dressed up and your plan is that he will see me and want me back! I already told you, if Calypso is what makes him happy, then that's fine by me!" 

I throw my hands in the air. 

Piper looks at me sadly, "That's not true though. You love him so much that you would sacrifice your own happiness for his." 

I freeze. After a long while of Piper smirking, I whisper, "I don't love him. It was only just a crush. He loves Calypso now." 

"Then why would he try to run after you? If it was only "just a crush", why does he still care about you?" 

"As a friend, maybe!" I protest, "I don't love him!" I say again. But deep down, I know it's true. Why was I so heartbroken when I thought he died? And when he came back with another girl?

I sit heavily down on my bed and lean against Piper. She rubs my shoulder, "It's okay." She says, "He'll come back to you eventually." 

I sigh then look up at her, "Okay." I say, "I'll go to the dance." 

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