CHAPTER16| Tea Party- Ohhh Sh*t!

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🌹☾Third-person point of view☽🌹

Y/n teleported carts and carts of amazing sweets in front of the Sakamaki creepy large mansion, that had no by neighbors for quite a bit of miles, so she could easily teleport here with the amazing carts of delicious sweets.

Y/n slowly looked up at the mansion not surprised that a bunch of vampires would live in this house, She slowly went over to the large door a knocked loudly.

She waited for a while until the door slowly creaked open to reveal Yui with bed hair. "H-Hello- Y/n-chann!" Yui eeped out fixing her hair, Yui suddenly scratched the bite mark on her neck almost like flaunting it.

'Ew' Y/n shuttered on the inside in disgust, as a flash of Laito licking and slurping on Yui's neck before biting into it, went inside her mind.

Y/n slowly used her Telekinesis to move Yui's now-fixed hair in front of the bite mark, covering it. Y/n lifted the invination in the air with her hand as Yui blinked before letting Y/n in.

'I wonder, why I've never been invited to Kanato's tea party??' Yui confusingly thought. Y/n brushed past Laito who had a girl in his arms he was sucking blood, from he gave a kissy face to Y/n as she 'caught' the kiss with her hand, and 'threw' it to the floor and lastly, 'stomped' on it.

Y/n then walked away with her carts of sweets. Laito mouth was open as he accidentally almost swallowed a fly, The woman in his arms breaking out of her hormone trance as she looked in distaste as he coughed out the fly.

"Ugh, I'm totally out of here!" He grabbed her coat from the couch covering her breasts which were almost exposed, she had hickey's and bites all over them.

"O-OH- I-If you're hungry you c-can feed on me!" Yui blushed as she revealed her wrist, which was covered in bite marks. "I'm not in the mood!" Laito puffed out his cheeks, feeling humiliated from almost swallowing a fly.

"Now, I don't remember anyone giving you permission to visit the house." Reiji interrupted Y/n as she was 'trying' to find Kanato's room.

Y/n stopped walking and grabbed the invitation from one of the carts. She gently handed it to Reiji, as he slowly started to read it.

"Thank you for clearing up this misunderstanding, Shall I show you to Kanato's room, Also if you don't mind...I'll help you push one of these carts." Reiji took one of the carts, Y/n let him, as she pushed her other cart while following Reiji.

Both of their faces, Kanato's and Y/n's were both filled with glee and satisfaction as they munched on each other's snacks

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Both of their faces, Kanato's and Y/n's were both filled with glee and satisfaction as they munched on each other's snacks. "Teddy and I appreciate you bringing such wonderful snacks!" Kanato nearly moaned out as his face was stuffed with sweets.

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